AR15 question for the masses


Aug 6, 2012
So, here’s the deal. I’ve got a Springfield Saint Victory in OD green that I never shoot. I can’t quite relinquish my 14.5” BCM.

I bought the Saint Victory in hopes that I’d like a 16” platform better. But just don’t. So then I thought about turning it into a plinker with my son, but I moved to North Carolina a few years ago and there’s really no where to go to shoot at over a hundred yards.

So, given the current political climate and the price of ammo. Would you sell a perfectly good AR that you’re not using?

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I wouldn't sell it. I'm of the mind that it's un American to sell my guns. That said, I have family members that buy and sell firearms like crazy.

You'll definitely be able to get more than what you paid for it. I guess it depends on what your cash flow to gun purchase ratio looks like.

Good luck.

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I would not because you will likely never be able to replace it for what you sold it for. Keep it safe with the idea that it will be your son's. The only thing I would consider is selling the upper and buying a 6mmARC upper or the parts to build.
So, here’s the deal. I’ve got a Springfield Saint Victory in OD green that I never shoot. I can’t quite relinquish my 14.5” BCM.

I bought the Saint Victory in hopes that I’d like a 16” platform better. But just don’t. So then I thought about turning it into a plinker with my son, but I moved to North Carolina a few years ago and there’s really no where to go to shoot at over a hundred yards.

So, given the current political climate and the price of ammo. Would you sell a perfectly good AR that you’re not using?

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For the love of god don’t sell it lol

10 years from now when things are way worse your guna be glad you didn’t
Don't sell firearms! How are they supposed to reproduce inside the gunsafe when your wife's not looking if you sell off the good breeding stock?

But seriously, I will only sell my guns to family members in need, and even then only if I have a plan to replace them. I think of them as my grandchildrens' inheritance...and my youngest son is 1yoa.
I'd hold onto it. Prices really aren't that high compared to what they were in 2012/13 post Sandy Hook or even in the run up to the 2016 election. Sure, rack grade AR's might be $100-200 higher, but that's not enough of a delta in my mind to justify to selling anything off.
1) I don't sell firearms.
2) *IF* you're going to sell would you rather sell it now and maybe make a few dollars over what you paid? Or "sell it back to the government" some day for $100?
3) What AR? Oh yeah, I let a friend borrow it and it was stolen. See #1.
I normally would not sell a gun but I think I would in your situation. I would sell it for a grand, and buy a parts kit from psa and build a gun with your son. Then he would have a have a gun that he "built." Plus the memories of building it with his old man forever. Take the other $500 and buy him mags, plates, and ammo and get him shooting. But I personally am not a fan of the Saint.
The market is also flooded with ARs right now. There are still dozens on local gun store shelves around here.
I normally would not sell a gun but I think I would in your situation. I would sell it for a grand, and buy a parts kit from psa and build a gun with your son. Then he would have a have a gun that he "built." Plus the memories of building it with his old man forever. Take the other $500 and buy him mags, plates, and ammo and get him shooting. But I personally am not a fan of the Saint.
The market is also flooded with ARs right now. There are still dozens on local gun store shelves around here.

That’s actually a freaking great idea! I wasn’t quite sure what I would replace with it, but this would be awesome.

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That’s actually a freaking great idea! I wasn’t quite sure what I would replace with it, but this would be awesome.

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Keep it, tear it down, rebuild with him, he'll have a better rifle in the end than a $500 PSA kit (which might be hard to buy right now anyhow). I just finished building an AR-15 that took me since Xmas to get all of the specific pieces-parts I wanted.
That’s actually a freaking great idea! I wasn’t quite sure what I would replace with it, but this would be awesome.

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Building them is easier than it initially looks. The kits are handy because you know everything is there and they are pretty cheap through PSA. However, PSA is only so so quality. You can source parts individually but that’s a bit more work

the kid will have a blast helping with the build
That’s actually a freaking great idea! I wasn’t quite sure what I would replace with it, but this would be awesome.

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This really is the best option mentioned so far. If you're patient you could even get a PSA premium upper for a good deal. What makes them 'premium' is the barrel and handguard mostly. FN makes some of the best barrels in the business. My personal opinion is that a premium PSA is a better quality gun than the saint. If you're leery of PSA buy a Larue UU kit and don't look back