Applied Ballistics Quantum App

Played with it a bit this morning with my Kilo 2200BDX. A couple of observations...

As I expected, it does not take the place of the BDX app. Solutions in the rangefinder are unaffected by the AB app. Data goes one way, and range/angle go into the AB app from the rangefinder. Whatever profile you have selected through BDX app remains unaffected by AB app.

Solutions remain limited to 800 yards in the rangefinder, and 875 on the basic version of the app.

Big PITA is that the angle does not automatically populate in the app from the RF. If you range a target, you must hit the little RF icon under the "inclination" field to update the firing solution. Range automatically updates when you range a new target, but angle does not.
I just noticed this new option on their website. The integration of WEZ looks very cool... But will have to see how expensive it is.
So can anyone confirm if you have the latest version of the app and sync it with a device that has AB software it will upgrade to elite? I have a Kilo 5K but I'm not going to mess with anything new if it's still limited to the Lite features. I just got done learning and truing up the Revic app for solutions past 875..
So can anyone confirm if you have the latest version of the app and sync it with a device that has AB software it will upgrade to elite? I have a Kilo 5K but I'm not going to mess with anything new if it's still limited to the Lite features. I just got done learning and truing up the Revic app for solutions past 875..

I can't necessarily say yes in the sense that I didn't do it since the latest update, I did it previously, but yes when you link a compatible device it upgrades you to Elite.
I did notice this latest update let's you change wind direction on the target card. The did remove target azimuth. You just have to highlight the target and change the wind direction on the wind clock and values and it saves per target.