Anyone using Ozonics or an ozone machine (and willing to admit it)?


Apr 5, 2021
Does anybody know,exactly,what an ozonics system is and how it works. Are the ozonic particles supposed to destroy human scent or just mask it. Sorta like a cover scent. And what is an ozonic particle.

maybe if we knew the theory behind it, we could make a better decision on its usefulness


Aug 24, 2019
I would be careful using those. Ozone is a free radical and as a result causes a lot of oxidative .. ie severe organ damage when inhaled exposed.

Had a case back during Covid… some extra paranoid germaphobe girl rented one to decontaminate her apartment after one of her neighbors tested positive … not even her room mate .. her neighbor..

All warning labels said do not be in vacinity / room when in use…. She left but left her dogs in the apartment and man that was ROUGH.
Both dogs almost died but we managed to pull them through. Very few case reports of short term survival in literature…
We tried to refer to vet school for care, really needed a true criticalist but they weren’t stable enough to move. The criticalist wanted the cases so he could publish, and was mad I wouldn’t write up.
4/6 published cases across the US of exposure to ozone died.. no idea of long term effects but looking at them lungs … there was no way there wasn’t some permanent damage


Nov 13, 2015
Anybody use one in a vehicle?
GF bought a dealer driven 2021 Jeep Cherokee. And Dino the sales guy that had it smoked like a damn steam engine. Car smells real bad.
Jun 14, 2020
Anybody use one in a vehicle?
GF bought a dealer driven 2021 Jeep Cherokee. And Dino the sales guy that had it smoked like a damn steam engine. Car smells real bad.
I have and seemed to work. However I was doing wet dog not cigarettes smoke.
My dad worked in the auto industry and they had one they run in every car they got in. It removed some nasty smells. It was a big machine though.
Mar 3, 2019
Used one a few years back on a rut hunt. Called a mature buck into bow range that was down wind. I believe in them but can’t justify the cost.


Dec 19, 2021
Central Michigan
Anybody use one in a vehicle?
GF bought a dealer driven 2021 Jeep Cherokee. And Dino the sales guy that had it smoked like a damn steam engine. Car smells real bad.
My wifes Suburban is our K-9 transport vehicle, and it can get pretty rank. Ozone generator FTW!!
Dec 30, 2014
They make little cigarette lighter ozone generators for cars that absolutely work. I've got a bigger one for doing clothes/rooms as well. I've never looked into ozonics that much but i'd love to know why theirs is so much more expensive than a much more powerful ozone generator that you can get for $60 on amazon.


Jun 21, 2022
I have one. I only use it if I’m hunting less than a mile from my car. My main problem sitting a spot is spinning around too much. So with the ozonics I’ll look all around. I’m especially keen to see if it is working down wind! Without it I just sit still and eliminate the 90 degree downwind direction behind me and make way less movement and noise.

Case in point I bought a swivel bucket lid seat the season I was using the ozonics. Proof I was scanning way too hard. If you really believe in it then every freaking sparrow pecking at something behind you could be a deer.


Jan 28, 2013
Ozone is a very powerful oxidant and is highly reactive. It reacts with and kills pathogens, bacteria, odorous compounds, etc. in seconds. The main issues with ozone is that it will oxidize non-stainless metals, will deteriorate rubber, and can be harmful to respiratory systems.

The human detection threshold of ozone is about 10 parts per billion (ppb). OSHA requires that workers are not exposed to an average concentration of more than 100 ppb for 8 hours. Higher concentrations or longer durations can lead to minor eye, nose, and throat irritation, headache and shortness of breath. Most symptoms reverse within a couple hours to a couple days. Ozone is very dangerous in the 10 parts per million (ppm) or 10,000 ppb range.

I deal with ozone in the commercial/industrial areas. The units I work with produce up to 40 grams per hour (gph) of ozone. Personally, I purchased a small unit, the HME Throw-N-Go Ozone Scent Slammer (no affiliation), that produces 0.02 gph. These are clearly different scales of ozone units and both can be used safely with proper precautions.

I have used mine a lot around the house: deodorizing a room after changing a stinky diaper, in the car after spilled milk has gone sour, eliminating odors from stinky shoes, etc. I know for certain that ozone works at eliminating odors on a human detection level. I can remove the odor from a stinky bathroom in about 60 seconds, depending on potency. I know the verdict will always be out on game animals, but I believe it at least helps.


Feb 15, 2015
I guess I’ll dig up this old thread.

Does any one have any experience with ozonics and elk?
Sep 7, 2018
I've never used one and feel pretty adamant that I never will. The day I feel the need to take an ozone device into the woods should be the last time I hunt. I don't care if others use them - just not my thing. Much like your sentiments until you tried your buddy's.

Your encounter really sounds like some I have without an ozone machine. I mean sometimes I feel my scent might be flowing directly toward a deer but it takes a weird turn at the last second before getting there. Know what I mean?

I think the Seek One guys did a test with one of these in a cardboard box and the K-9 still found them. Maybe not the best test but it was interesting.
I would imagine the dog was smelling the ground not the air.


Dec 17, 2015
Midwest - IL
Does anyone have or have used one of these things? Curious about your experience.

I have a buddy who swears by them and how well it works. I could never buy into this $300-$500+ product as I just never believed you could kill all scent. I shared my skepticism and he insisted I try his Ozonics unit this past weekend while archery hunting whitetails in Virginia. So, I took him up on the offer and tried it out. Here's what I experienced with using it.

Four does - a momma, two fawns, and a yearling - come over a ridge and head down right under my stand. I had the ozone unit above my head running. The two fawns and yearling doe seemed to have no idea anything was wrong, but the older doe was on high alert. Once they walked within about 5-10 yards in front of me, the older doe slowed and started looking in every direction. The others paused and watched her for a few seconds, then her two fawns just started browsing while the yearling doe watched the older doe and looked around like 'WTF?'

But that older doe knew something was off. She even looked up in the trees all around her until she finally was staring right at me. She checked me out several times before deciding I looked like a tree limb (thank you leafy jacket). Eventually, one of the little fawns that was browsing on the tree limb I had cut and dropped below my stand snorted the softest little snort I ever heard (I think she smelled my scent on the limb). That lead to the older doe walking off quickly (but not running) with the others following suit.

What's crazy is I could feel morning thermals hit my face, and then the back of my neck, and my legs several times those deer were there. I sprayed some powder after they left and the wind was flowing right to where they were. Now I'm like, "well, sheeet!"
I don't use one in the field, I think that is a total waste of time and energy. I do use one in a closed bag prior to hunting with my clothes. I put all my clothes in my hunting bag with an ozone machine and run it for 5-10 in while in the truck on the way to my spot. Or if I'm hunting at home I run it while I take my shower. I'm 100% convinced it works and minimizes odors in my clothes and I have to wash them far less.

This is for whitetails only. For anything else no.
Feb 24, 2016
Wifes uncle swears by his. Also, he will tell you that he wished he didn't leave 2 in the tree during the overnight


Jan 28, 2013
If the ozone truly caused his nose to bleed then he was using a grossly oversized unit in way too small of a space and he ignored the overpowering smell of it as well. Its not an odorless gas like CO and CO2.


Jul 25, 2023
I made a portable ozone machine, I purchased the ceramic plates added a computer fan and some 18650 batteries all in a plastic electrical timer box.

When I was playing around with it in the house the wife told me it smelled like the outdoors… indoors.

I never did take it to the woods. Though I think it mostly does what everyone says it does. Scrubs your scent but leaves a differ smell in its place.

I think I spent less than $50 on it.
Way to go