I've done gutless on a variety of critters, but generally find myself gutting 90% of the time now days. I strongly prefer to skin hanging, and that is easier if the guts are gone on the animals I shoot, because:
A.) it gives me more time to do the recovery of a whole animal.
B.) makes them lighter and easier to handle.
A deer of course can be hung guts and all if you don't mind the little extra weight. But still, gutting a deer takes what? 10 minutes? A caribou is maybe 15 min if I drop my knife in the snow a couple of times. Gutless works fine, but gutting hardly qualifies as a difficult chore. Well, except on moose, but I prefer to gut them for different reasons.
Not to feed the troll here, but it IS easier to quarter a moose on the ground that has been gutted. Just did one like that this fall. In the case of a moose though I will strongly agree that it is a serious effort to gut them, and the gutpile is pretty tough to work around, so I have gone gutless a couple times when the situation seemed favorable. Usually though, I'm going for help on a moose, so will drop the guts just to eliminate the possibility of spoilage during the time required for recovery.