Both will be excellent choices. Unless you're cashing checks from tournament wins on the weekends you're not likely to outshoot the capability of either bow, and will not shoot one any better than the other. Overall, the draw cycle of the Prime is favored over the Mathews, but that's not to say that Mathews has a bad draw cycle. It's said that the Prime holds steadier than the Mathews due to the grip position on the riser. I can't say that it does or doesn't - the marketing says it does, so other people do too, but I haven't experienced any noticeable benefit. The longer riser of the Mathews bows is said to offer more stability. But again, I'm not able to discern any real benefit compared to other brands' flagship bows. Both brands have tuning features that make tuning quick and efficient; however, if you need to put a twist in the string or cables, the SAS of the Mathews line makes it a little easier and faster to do. I think the Mathews branded accessories are nicer, but also they're more expensive than their competitors accessories. If you pack your bow, the Bridgelock is nicer to have. If you want to experiment with stabilizer length, the Bridgelock wins there too. Aesthetically, the Mathews line wins that as well, but that's very subjective, I know.
If you trade out bows every so often, I think you'll find the Mathews might have an edge on retaining resale value, as well as the accessories. Of all of the accessories, the limb legs are my favorite. I never have to look for place to hang my bow, and it never ends up laying in the dirt when I'm out shooting.
Good luck with your decision - either way you go, I'm confident you'll be happy with your choice.