Think Peter Attia's marginal decade. How do you want to live your last years?
Fantastic, thank you. I am ignorant of his work but in my quick search based on your post, really looking forward to diving in. Much appreciated.
Edit: Just a quick read of his marginal decade page, the end. Man, sleep. I've come such a long, long way, but this one is a tough one for me. Longstanding insomniac, better understood once PTSD was diagnosed about 5 years ago - explained years of 2-3 hours nightly sleep w/ nightly, violent nightmares and my acting them out physically, not a great thing when I've a history as a martial artist. Progress there, too, but last night for instance, 3 1/2 hours, everything bedside busted when I cleared them in a thrashing-out.
Add in, constant, total body pain and the centrality of sleep to everything - bad sleep punching up the central neuro pain, which in turns affects sleep, and the cycle spins out of control - well, thanks, because in my effort to come back to hard training and ignoring the pain, lousy sleep has once again fallen to a low priority for me as a kind of given, in spite of meds to help with both the intensity of the nightmares, and my acting out physically. I need to do my part better, including a devotion to sleep hygiene.
Anyway not trying to disgorge a personal story or take a side-note to the thread. Just a note in case anyone else might get some benefit, my total agreement on how critical good sleep is to just about everything else, so fellow insomniacs, I feel for you. And another thanks for pointing this physician out.