Anyone had to take someone to Small Claims Court?

Sometimes it’s easier, especially with “family”, to just not lose any more sleep over it. Be sure to tell ALL family members about it and explain how disappointed you are. Maybe someday he’ll grow up and pay up. If not, lesson learned that nobody, including family, can be trusted when it comes to money.
So not a lawyer but deal with garnishments thru work. The best thing about them is once you have the court ordered garnishment, it follows the person around until paid. So every new job, the employer gets a notification and must withhold.

I'm petty and small claims is cheap, go for it and make his paycheck a bit smaller every week.
haven't read all the replies, but Texas does recognize mutual combat. Next time you're in the area, you could take advantage of that. I wouldn't put up with a thief I didn't know, much less one that was related to me.
You can file to get paid first if they file for a tax return. That is the quicker way to get paid. That is if they file their taxes.
Or you could try something totally against the status quo and I know it sounds almost laughable to suggest. But what if you just forgave him?

It doesn’t sound like the $2k worth of stuff is going to jeopardize your finances. Is what he did right? Heck no, but he knows that and so does everyone around him. But you’ve got a chance to be the bigger person here and it’s family. Kindness may go further than you think to convict a person of their wrong.

I could be all wrong about it and you may never see a sorry or a cent from him. But you’ll sleep better at night after letting it all go.

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Not necessarily the most “on topic” thread for Rokslide but it does pertain to outdoor equipment I guess.

Has anyone ever had to take someone to small claims court to get what’s owed to them? Any advice or things to be aware of?
It's a waste of time, energy and money on your part. Been there, done that.