Anyone ever bring a backup magazine?


Dec 20, 2017
Had a random thought, if for some reason the magazine unknowingly dropped out of my Tikka during a hunt, how could I keep hunting?
A spare mag is $40, and doesn't weigh more than a few ounces, and could stay at the truck.

Not sure if this is a completely irrational fear, or if anyone else has had something happen that made them rethink that option.
I had the same irrational fear when I got my first Tikka so I bought an extra mag. It’s still in the package in my gun safe. I’ve never had a Tikka mag drop out on its own. It’s a darned good design all around.
Yes, I carry an extra loaded mag in my pack for my Browning Hells Canyon X Bolt. I also have an extremely handy cartridge "wallet" that clips on my KUIU bino harness and drops open exposing 6, .300 Win Mag shells in their own tight loops.
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Always. I keep one in the cargo pocket of my pants. After a shot or 2 at an animal, rather than re-loading my first mag, I just toss in the new one for my approach to the downed animal.

This will be the first year doing it with a Tikka (jumped on the Tikka train back in November and haven't looked back), but I've done it in the past with my previous rifles as well. I plan to hunt with my 5 round mag in the gun and a 3 round mag in my pocket. To me, it's a no brainer to have extra mags if the rifle has a detachable box mag. Multiple extras is even better.
I shoot tikkas and I keep a secondary, loaded mag in my bino harness. A loaded mag is way faster to swap out than single feeding rounds after your first 3-5 are gone. Obviously not an ideal scenario where shots 1-3 don’t seal the deal, so in that event I want to be as efficient as possible with getting additional rounds down range.
There's a difference between fear & awareness. I'm fully aware that shit happens. Practical & sensible redundancy is wise.
It can happen on a HOWA . They have a huge POS mag release on the 1500. I dumped mine on a post once while setting up to shoot an antelope in wyoming once. It was at one of those public to public corner crossing doodads. It fell over on the private. I reached over and picked it up after I killed the goat with my one bullet. Nobody tried to arrest me but i kept a closer eye on the mag after that.