Anybody watch state of the union?

OK, I admit it, I watched the House impeachment hearings, watched them shut down Republicans requests one after another for witnesses, and all witness testimony in closed sessions. Then on to Congress for the trial where the same Democrats not allowing Republicans witnesses all said if they didn’t get witnesses in the trial it wasn’t fair.........huh?. Good for the goose but not the gander? Fair to shut down Republicans in the Senate but not Democrats in Congress? You want “fair” it goes both ways. The outcome in both the Senate and Congress was a fore gone conclusion in my opinion, a total waste of time and money.
Now, the State of the Union was entertaining, Pelosi in the back with the tongue, eyebrow and prune pucker faces and Schumer sitting like he has a rod up his A$$ while Trump went over what he’s been doing and the positive things that are happening. My only gripe was Rush getting the award, now I like Rush and listen to him on occasion but I feel this award was over the top and should have gone to someone else, just my opinion here.
in our modern party system, elected officials stick to party platforms, not constitute values. On both sides. Most all career politicians speak out of one side of their mouth while, acting out of the other. On both sides. Yes, the Republican party shares much more in common with What researched American values have proven to be. However, they never use the ability to enforce it when they own the house and senate. So, they are no different in reality then the democratic party who openly fights against those values. Which are so far across the line of sanity, it is going to take an awakening to truly be considered as a serious option.

The truth is, neither choice is doing what they are elected to do when politics become about party. And voters act ignorant of this movement.

I am as conservative as they come. My votes on the national scale have been republican for too many years to count. But, I'm so sickened by most career politicians, I'll spend the rest of my days voting for the least established candidate that promises by action, to be a Constitution loving American. It has turned out to be a very wise decision after seeing 2 non established presidents in action.

Vote smart. You don't have to like the person as a friend, that you vote for. But, by default, you'd better be voting for a constitution loving, citizen representing America. Not a party platform.
I will add this though. The political climate in this country is frustrating, demoralizing, and exhausting. It breeds hate, it makes people my age (26) question wether or not we want to bring kids into this ever more destabilizing world, and quiet frankly it makes me lose sleep some nights. Here, on rokslide, i don’t see democrats or republicans, political agendas, and constant arguing that seems to have no end. I see my brothers and sisters, i see like minded people that are always eager to help complete strangers, regardless of their race, religion, or political views. I see outdoorsman and women of all types, patriots, and true Americans that want to be a part of the solution not a part of the problem no matter how big or small. And unless you screw someone over on the classifieds or say you love wolves you will never see hate on this forum. it’s so great to see somewhere that people network and converse and give advice without any type of incentive. They are just GOOD PEOPLE. Save this shit for the water cooler and let’s talk guns gear and hunting.

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Personally, I get what your saying, but there is no harm in open debate or having a place to discuss these kind of things. Obviously you didn’t have to read or post on this thread but I’m glad you did and it opens up dialogue something we need more of. You don’t have to agree but we need more people to care enough to be open minded and maybe we all learn something.

But if that doesn’t interest you there are 99.9% of the other topics waiting for you to join in their debate 😉
Alright I’ll bite. Perhaps a “destabilizing world” was a poor word choice. I mean the political climate here in the states. The hate that’s everywhere now. When was it better? The 60’s when everyone wasn’t so soft and there was a sense of unity in this country. Of course i wasn’t there so i don’t know for a fact but I know the hunting was good, no one was trying to take our guns, the salmon runs were plentiful, few were easily offended, and men were aloud to be men. I agree with the economical stability of our country, I’ve worked in the oil fields of North Dakota and am now currently a union plumber, both jobs reaped the benefits of our healthy economy. I can’t complain. I quit watching the news long ago, along with Facebook, that’s why it sucks seeing it show up on a hunting gear forum haha. Just seems you can’t escape the debates, “impeachment’s”, orange man bad, Pelosi is a nut, gun accounts getting banned, fully semi auto weapons of war bad, “global warming”, right bad, left bad bullshit no matter where you turn. It gets old. I make good money, i own a house, life is great. That doesn’t mean you can’t stand back and see the division that keeps growing not only in the states but all over the world. France, England ect. It all seems so crazy to me the shit that comes out of these politicians and even the average citizens mouths. This rock we’re all on isn’t getting any bigger, and politicians aren’t getting anymore honest. Sure it’s okay now but what’s it going to be in 30 years when my kids want to have kids? I appreciate everyone’s input. I’m not here to tell you not to talk about politics, just thought I’d throw in my two cents. I’ve had my share for the year haha see you guys on the fun side of the forum

The hate currently in our country is vastly overstated compared to previous points in our history as a nation, why do you think all parties are so diverse?

I get the media is selling a bill of goods on maybe 1 or 2% of the people in our country that truly hate are being tossed out as a larger group then they are but that is a far cry from the history of hate we’ve had since inception. There was way more hate in the 60’s then there is now, go research it.
The hate currently in our country is vastly overstated compared to previous points in our history as a nation, why do you think all parties are so diverse?

I get the media is selling a bill of goods on maybe 1 or 2% of the people in our country that truly hate are being tossed out as a larger group then they are but that is a far cry from the history of hate we’ve had since inception. There was way more hate in the 60’s then there is now, go research it.
This is the most uneducated electorate this country has ever had. No one looks at the the issues and where anyone stands on them, it's all the easy button red or blue.
Values be damned if the economy is good.

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This is the most uneducated electorate this country has ever had. No one looks at the the issues and where anyone stands on them, it's all the easy button red or blue.
Values be damned if the economy is good.

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Yeah I watched video where college students were told quotes, they assumed all were from Trump and went of on how racist etc they are, they were then told all the quotes were from 2020 Democrats running for president, they just looked shocked. One even said he gets all his information from twitter and trust his life on it, very sad state of our 18-26 age class, not all but most are just brainwashed so heavily, it’s truly disgusting.
appreciate that, must be different in Portland Oregon (home of Antifa) lots of hate very real at times and anything but fabricated. a civil conversation can be very hard to come by, not all the time but enough to give a guy a grim outlook, its bad! I don't know about the rest of the country but in Oregon the 60s were smooth sailing, nothing like the racial tension in some parts of the country. to that point all things are probably more demographic than anything... from the sounds of it I need to move. where ya from? haha

Ah don’t base your view of the country on that group, it is very hate filled but probably has less then 20,000 members.
that mindset in some form of intensity is very common on the west coast unfortunately. sometimes when your immersed in it you forget about all the great places in this country. its nice to be reminded there is still sane people out there

Just remember these are close minded individuals, I enjoy having a healthy debate with my left leaning coworkers, at the end of the day we respect each other and make fun of each other. The coasts do not represent the country at all, even if they believe they do.
To "Savagenut" and "real unlucky"...Thank You for some words of truth and wisdom. Our national debt under the current POTUS has run up twice the rate of the prior administrations' 8 the debt is equal to over $240,000 for every US citizen. Do the's there in black and white. No, I don't agree with everything the Dems want, nor do I agree blindly with what the Republicans are doing...nor do I think it honorable to gloat over so-called victories. Yes, I believe the Impeachment was rushed by the Dems...yes the Biden mess was nepotism..but to call and hold up arms shipments when a country is fighting for its life against Putin and his minions? Give me a break.
Fact checks show our current POTUS has been vaguely in the ballpark with the minority of his comments, and wildly exaggerated in the majority. I am a "fiscal conservative tree hugging conservationist" at heart. Look to your children's children and the quality of their lives when it comes to the dismantling of the EPA, the Clean Water Act, the gutting of the staffing of the National Forests, US Wildlife Refuges, USF&W Service, National Parks, BLM lands...positions are not being funded/filled to protect the public lands where most of us hunt/fish/hike/camp.

Pebble MIne and the Bristol Bay estuary... to those who live in Alaska and it's in your backyard...the richest salmon fishery in the world...has been fast-tracked by the current POTUS as the mining interests have him in their back pocket. Must we destroy everything beautiful in this world just to make another buck, while with proper management the salmon fishery will yield for innumerable generations to come?

Yes, the economy is humming, and in my opinion Mr. Trump has no qualms regarding drilling/pumping/channelizing/mining in areas that are not safe for our generation or generations to come. Look at the facts, please, and don't succumb to "ad hominem" arguments (look up the definition)...we must remain vigilant in protecting our clean air/water and our public lands. I could go on as I've posted on the TU Forum regarding the ongoing fight to keep Pebble Mine from ruining Bristol earthquake-prone ground zero with plans for an earthen dam (are you kidding me?) to hold back millions of tons of tailings...every president including GHW Bush and GW Bush enacted the Clean Water Act to block this fiasco...but not our current POTUS. So, let us remain civil but not succumb to tribalism and ego-stroking. I am adamantly in support of capitalism and free-markets, but this little blue marble upon which we live has its limits. No, we can't control what destruction the Chinese are doing to their country (50 riverine ecosystems destroyed, for example), but as American citizens we must voice our opinions and see clearly to keep our environment safe for our future generations. Good night to all my good Rokslide associates who love to hunt/fish/hike and have clean air/water to breathe and drink...and when in West Virginia while you are hiking to the top, hopefully the mountaintop will still be there and not been blasted away as a result of the current POTUS' policies allowing leveling mountains to get the coal...
To "Savagenut" and "real unlucky"...Thank You for some words of truth and wisdom. Our national debt under the current POTUS has run up twice the rate of the prior administrations' 8 the debt is equal to over $240,000 for every US citizen. Do the's there in black and white. No, I don't agree with everything the Dems want, nor do I agree blindly with what the Republicans are doing...nor do I think it honorable to gloat over so-called victories. Yes, I believe the Impeachment was rushed by the Dems...yes the Biden mess was nepotism..but to call and hold up arms shipments when a country is fighting for its life against Putin and his minions? Give me a break.
Fact checks show our current POTUS has been vaguely in the ballpark with the minority of his comments, and wildly exaggerated in the majority. I am a "fiscal conservative tree hugging conservationist" at heart. Look to your children's children and the quality of their lives when it comes to the dismantling of the EPA, the Clean Water Act, the gutting of the staffing of the National Forests, US Wildlife Refuges, USF&W Service, National Parks, BLM lands...positions are not being funded/filled to protect the public lands where most of us hunt/fish/hike/camp.

Pebble MIne and the Bristol Bay estuary... to those who live in Alaska and it's in your backyard...the richest salmon fishery in the world...has been fast-tracked by the current POTUS as the mining interests have him in their back pocket. Must we destroy everything beautiful in this world just to make another buck, while with proper management the salmon fishery will yield for innumerable generations to come?

Yes, the economy is humming, and in my opinion Mr. Trump has no qualms regarding drilling/pumping/channelizing/mining in areas that are not safe for our generation or generations to come. Look at the facts, please, and don't succumb to "ad hominem" arguments (look up the definition)...we must remain vigilant in protecting our clean air/water and our public lands. I could go on as I've posted on the TU Forum regarding the ongoing fight to keep Pebble Mine from ruining Bristol earthquake-prone ground zero with plans for an earthen dam (are you kidding me?) to hold back millions of tons of tailings...every president including GHW Bush and GW Bush enacted the Clean Water Act to block this fiasco...but not our current POTUS. So, let us remain civil but not succumb to tribalism and ego-stroking. I am adamantly in support of capitalism and free-markets, but this little blue marble upon which we live has its limits. No, we can't control what destruction the Chinese are doing to their country (50 riverine ecosystems destroyed, for example), but as American citizens we must voice our opinions and see clearly to keep our environment safe for our future generations. Good night to all my good Rokslide associates who love to hunt/fish/hike and have clean air/water to breathe and drink...and when in West Virginia while you are hiking to the top, hopefully the mountaintop will still be there and not been blasted away as a result of the current POTUS' policies allowing leveling mountains to get the coal...

I do agree on the national debt, to a point, but what is your answer vs what he did or what has been spent on? Its easy to say he’s increased it but would you rather not rebuild or invest in our military, allow illegals to continue to flow into our country and get free care at ER’s etc. On the EPA you are only looking at one side, yes he pulled back regulations but they were way over reaching, how would you feel if the EPA fined you because you did something to a small water way in your backyard? How would you feel if it bankrupt you?

Now I don’t think we’ll all of a sudden see toxic waste being dumped into our streams and the sky isn’t falling, the EPA needed to be checked and If Congress will get off its butt they could improve on what was in place Instead of focusing on impeaching Trump.

The pumping, drilling etc has made us energy independent from the Middle East, it freaks Russia and Iran out knowing we are not dependent on Middle East oil.

Your right he shouldn’t say what the state of the union is, as it will be bragging with all the historical lows and highs we have that have improved our country quickly, unless you don’t like growth in your investment, historical lows in unemployment, wage increases for the low and middle class, security, etc.

As far as Climate change goes, show me a non biased scientist with proof, the only proof I see is that the earth has had climate change many many times over its history far before we polluted anything. We are still one of the cleanest countries in the world for our population size, but you kind of talk out both ends, not meaning this in a negative manner yet you want no debt or lower debt, yet want regulations in place that will do nothing but create huge debt, additional spending on programs for further emissions reductions, higher spending on relying on energy needs outside of our country and reduce economic growth by not competing with China because they have zero standards.

Just look at your argument, how do you pay for any of them? Yes our debt has grown but once all trade deals are in place, we become less reliable on foreign sources and develop our manufacturing growth back to pre NAFTA levels and replace/improve our infastructure such as roads, bridges, power grid and telecom networks we’ll see a decrease quickly just not in 1 or 2 years.

Now if we go back to over regulation, relying on foreign energy, allow other countries to sell us crappy goods while not buying ours or stealing our ideas, you’ll see our country get worse, but maybe we’ll have low debt.

We tried what you say for about the last 24 years and we’ve seen nothing but the debt grow and the country deteriorate, maybe it’s time we try something different. No one thought it possible for employment to be as low as it is, manufacturing could never come back, Obama laughed at Trump and said does he have a magic wand, he’s only 3 years in, in 5 years let’s see where we are at, maybe you’ll be surprise, maybe not.

All that said, if you think Trump added to the debt load look at what the 2020 dems want to do to make it grow.

you are a treat

Telling an adult to look up the definition of ad hominem. I literally can’t stop giggling. You eat paint chips as a little kid?

Quoting the US debt at 240,000 per person..

21 anything divided by 300 something is never 24 anything. It’s roughly 70,000 per rough guess. Basic math.

As for the rest of the vague statements about gutting this federal budget and that one, and pebble mine and coal mining and blue planet bs and then going on about ego stroking tribalism

Quite literally I’m chuckling so hard my little man sleeping on my chest is gonna wake up.

please stick around I need some laffs now and again.
To my brothers/sisters that I hope to see "On The Trail" and continue to express our opinions, or attack another' opinion "without attacking the man". I expected some blowback. Perhaps later I've got some time later to respond in detail, as the data doesn't lie, but here is some reading:

From the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Science" journal, a highly-respected peer-review journal, the title of the Review Article is:

"Expert credibility in climate change"

William R. L. Anderegga,1, James W. Prallb, Jacob Haroldc, and Stephen H. Schneidera,d,1
aDepartment of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305; bElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 3G4; cWilliam and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Palo Alto, CA 94025; and dWoods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Contributed by Stephen H. Schneider, April 9, 2010 (sent for review December 22, 2009)

The Abstract:
Although preliminary estimates from published literature and expert surveys suggest striking agreement among climate scientists on the tenets of anthropogenic climate change (ACC), the American public expresses substantial doubt about both the anthropogenic cause and the level of scientific agreement underpinning ACC. A broad analysis of the climate scientist community itself, the distribution of credibility of dissenting researchers relative to agreeing researchers, and the level of agreement among top climate experts has not been conducted and would inform future ACC dis- cussions. Here, we use an extensive dataset of 1,372 climate researchers and their publication and citation data to show that (i) 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field support the tenets of ACC outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and (ii) the relative climate expertise and scientific prominence of the researchers unconvinced of ACC are substantially below that of the convinced researchers.

Please take the time to read the research as outlined in the article above. It was published 10 years ago. It compares the opinions of those who have published the greatest numbers of peer-reviewed research articles on Climate Change vs. those who have published a paucity of peer-reviewed articles...draw your own conclusions but please don't attack me for my opinions. Let's get back to discussing our passions for fly fishing/sheep hunting/elk hunting etc and keep a civil discourse. Time to get to the office.