Anybody watch state of the union?

Which ones? The boomers and previous generations just discharged them via bankruptcy, hence the closing of that loophole.
If you want to address the costs of college two things would dramatically cut costs and degree inflation. End all government guaranteed loans and make student loans bankruptable. If you want to major in _____ studies then great ! Figure out how to pay for it. Soon colleges will empty out of the unprepared bad bets. Colleges will have to figure out how to cut costs and deliver real value because investors are not going to give loans they know can’t and won’t be paid back. The raising price of college has outpaced the raising price of health care in the last decade ! At the same time due to degree inflation jobs that don’t even need a HS diploma are demanding degrees. You literally have PhD ‘s serving coffee !
If you want to address the costs of college two things would dramatically cut costs and degree inflation. End all government guaranteed loans and make student loans bankruptable. If you want to major in _____ studies then great ! Figure out how to pay for it. Soon colleges will empty out of the unprepared bad bets. Colleges will have to figure out how to cut costs and deliver real value because investors are not going to give loans they know are can’t and won’t be paid back. The raising price of college has outpaced the raising price of health care in the last decade ! At the same time due to degree inflation jobs that don’t even need a HS diploma are demanding degrees. You literally have PhD ‘s serving coffee !


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There is zero reason at $63k a year you can’t save.

Also it’s funny your stuck on $19.5, you don’t have to start at the max.
You don't ever have to max out. I never have, except where my employer matches and am good!! My 401s have a rate of return about 8% in the last few years.
Holy smokes this thread has spun down a weird twist

These guys got it rough

These folks are probably having a hard time making ends meet

Having it rough:

Of her extended family she is the only one alive. Husband, children, parents, cousins. All killed by the Boxing Day tsunami.. And living under sharia law she has very little prospects to survive. God bless her beautiful soul. We can’t be thankful enough for the bounty we are given here in this country.

I know it’s hard for bleeding hearts to see but smart hard work and discipline pays off and stupid hurts. It did in the past , it does in the present , and will in the future.
I'll add that it's tough for everyone to see and infinitely harder to do!!!! Everything can't be easy for everyone. Everyone can't have a comfortable life. Everything can't be free. Even if you are smart, hard working, frugal, and diligent there is no guarantee. If you want to guarantee everyone must have a comfortable life, then no one will, because no one will want to work and the affluent will flee the country. The US is renowned for our freedoms, liberty and opportunity, not for being easy.
Having it rough:

Of her extended family she is the only one alive. Husband, children, parents, cousins. All killed by the Boxing Day tsunami.. And living under sharia law she has very little prospects to survive. God bless her beautiful soul. We can’t be thankful enough for the bounty we are given here in this country.

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Shariah law. Islam is a government structure claiming to be a religion. .gov regulating people to death literally.
Yes we do have it good here but many can’t see the forest for the trees. Just one more law , one more regulation , a little higher tax and utopia will be achieved. (Sarcasm)
in our modern party system, elected officials stick to party platforms, not constitute values. On both sides. Most all career politicians speak out of one side of their mouth while, acting out of the other. On both sides. Yes, the Republican party shares much more in common with What researched American values have proven to be. However, they never use the ability to enforce it when they own the house and senate. So, they are no different in reality then the democratic party who openly fights against those values. Which are so far across the line of sanity, it is going to take an awakening to truly be considered as a serious option.

The truth is, neither choice is doing what they are elected to do when politics become about party. And voters act ignorant of this movement.

I am as conservative as they come. My votes on the national scale have been republican for too many years to count. But, I'm so sickened by most career politicians, I'll spend the rest of my days voting for the least established candidate that promises by action, to be a Constitution loving American. It has turned out to be a very wise decision after seeing 2 non established presidents in action.

Vote smart. You don't have to like the person as a friend, that you vote for. But, by default, you'd better be voting for a constitution loving, citizen representing America. Not a party platform.

Very Much agree with you. It is refreshing too see people like you that actually are able to think for themselves rather than blindly following party lines.
Very timely thread for me. My daughter is at UC San Diego, Society of Women Engineers tour of UCSD Engineering department with academic and business speakers. She is good at math, but doesn't really like it. Not crazy about science, but her public high school Science teachers are pretty bad. She says she's interested in being a dermatologist or ob/gyn. I told her the medical field is more fiercely competitive than ever and she will have to drastically step up her game if that's what she wants. And with the talk of socialized medicine, a career in the medical field looks bleaker than ever though. I'm discouraging the medical field. I told her engineering is a very bright field, especially for women. She is doing well in school, but of course could do better. I tell her that classes, grades, gpa, SAT, and volunteer work will determine where you can go to college. I'm not going to force her to do anything. However, my wife and I have done our best to convince her that we will pay for her college education and it's up to her to choose what to study and which career path to take and who she will choose to marry. We said mom and dad won't be subsidizing you after you graduate. You won't have college debt or loans, but you will determine your own destiny and her potential is limitless!!!
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So revenue is down and overall tax burdens down on corporations and US spending is up. And thedebt is at an all-time high.And very few companies actually moved their money back to the US so yes if that was your goal then rock on buddy.

I can't tell if you haven't read what I have posted or you lack the capacity to understand it, because none of your responses to my posts have actually argued against any points I have made. Not to mention I have posted comments regarding the deficit that seem to agree with your rants.
I can't tell if you haven't read what I have posted or you lack the capacity to understand it, because none of your responses to my posts have actually argued against any points I have made. Not to mention I have posted comments regarding the deficit that seem to agree with your rants.
Classic case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. :p
I can't tell if you haven't read what I have posted or you lack the capacity to understand it, because none of your responses to my posts have actually argued against any points I have made. Not to mention I have posted comments regarding the deficit that seem to agree with your rants.

So, You support corporate tax cuts that decreased revenue and brought some money back from overseas, right? At the same time your complaining about our increasing debt, which these tax cuts contributed to, right? I won’t throw out insults like a lot of the trumpers, but that doesn’t make much sense brother.
So, You support corporate tax cuts that decreased revenue and brought some money back from overseas, right? At the same time your complaining about our increasing debt, which these tax cuts contributed to, right? I won’t throw out insults like a lot of the trumpers, but that doesn’t make much sense brother.

I agree with corporate tax cuts and complained about the increased government spending at a time the economy did not need the stimulus. Simple enough
I am from the I can or glass is half full campaign. I think you are looking for any reason to fail. This is the way a lot of people think and I believe it contributes to failure. Sure stuff comes up in life, but to use that as an absolute or reason to fail is absurd. There are lots of scenarios where saving money is not possible, but getting on the right track early on and NOT relying on the Gov't, will help someone get thru these tough times.
I think until you lay on your back, in your mid thirty's, for ten months, hooked up to chemo, and watch every penny you have saved and worked your whole life for, being sucked out of your pockets to pay for the middle class house, two kids and a wife to eat, and the $132,000 after insurance hospital and doctors fee, you really can't say that its an excuse to fail. Especially when you go with very minimal income for those months, and quite a few following it trying to get healthy enough to go back to work.

When this happened to me, my wife and My income was three times the current median income in America. We lived frugal before this happening and, had it not been for that, we'd had things repossessed. God blessed me with the means and ability to pay for it all. However, he has yet to return my financial security to that place. through no fault or lack of me trying either. In simpler terms, I work way more hours, way harder then I ever did and, it is simply to survive now versus having the luxury to "plan for retirement". It is life and until it happens to you, I reckon its a foreign concept. But, one thing is for sure. Life isn't fair. Everyone has things that you have no idea they have faced. And, very few working people enjoy not being fiscally secure. While many could improve their odds, many don't get that option either