in our modern party system, elected officials stick to party platforms, not constitute values. On both sides. Most all career politicians speak out of one side of their mouth while, acting out of the other. On both sides. Yes, the Republican party shares much more in common with What researched American values have proven to be. However, they never use the ability to enforce it when they own the house and senate. So, they are no different in reality then the democratic party who openly fights against those values. Which are so far across the line of sanity, it is going to take an awakening to truly be considered as a serious option.
The truth is, neither choice is doing what they are elected to do when politics become about party. And voters act ignorant of this movement.
I am as conservative as they come. My votes on the national scale have been republican for too many years to count. But, I'm so sickened by most career politicians, I'll spend the rest of my days voting for the least established candidate that promises by action, to be a Constitution loving American. It has turned out to be a very wise decision after seeing 2 non established presidents in action.
Vote smart. You don't have to like the person as a friend, that you vote for. But, by default, you'd better be voting for a constitution loving, citizen representing America. Not a party platform.