Anybody listen to the latest Gritty Bowmen sales, I mean podcast

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Aron, where might we find it? YouTube, iTunes podcast? And will you be so kind to let us know when it's available?

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I have to admit, this has been the most entertaining thread in a long time. It is natural for something to evolve over time and nothing stays the same. If Brian is going to succeed, he may have to branch out to discuss new topics, but I think this was in the GB wheelhouse. I think it was a great discussion on technology and not just a sales pitch. Do I like/listen to the MO guys, HELL NO! But overall, its a great podcast. BLAST AWAY fellow RS's as I know this comes across as a fan boy statement.
Downfall? Really? You must be privileged to some information that we are not... Can you show us said info please?

Just listen to what everyone is saying, here is your privileged info, enjoy!

I can't believe he thinks his listeners are stupid enough to believe that this will be used for arrow retrieval only. Brian just lost my respect completely.

That happened around 4 months in for me ! I could see the trajectory of that podcast in the first dozen episodes.

Again, going back to the above paragraph, I feel as if the intent of this podcast was much more philosophical, but the execution was weak.

I haven't listened to the podcast in a long time though as I got bored with it.

I agree with the original poster and freebird. There is only so much of this is the best and I am better than you that I can handle. I'm sure that the gritty bowmen (some of them anyhow) have forgot more about elk hunting than I know but I had to tune out several months ago too. Just my opinion so don't hate.

I've learned a ton from the podcast but have slowly found myself drifting away from it. The pushing of certain products has taken away from some of the original unbiased feedback they provided.

When Brian first started doing the Gritty Bowmen he had some great topics and didn't do that many sales pitches, which was nice but recently it seems a little watered down.

thats coming from someone that hasn't listened to a GB podcast in probably a year.

I liked a lot of the early podcasts and I don't know if it's because it has become more business lately or because I currently don't have the time now

About a year ago I lost interest with the direction it was headed. Haven't listened to one in a long time.

About an hour of your life you will never get back.

I for one have only listened to a few podcasts. Never really liked it.

I pretty much quit listening to GB a long time ago.

GB is one of my favorite podcast. Butttt that Bluetooth nock one, was the first one I couldn't finish, and I've listened to them all. I wish they'd tell more hunting stories.

Honestly the show has gone way downhill from the time he was doing it in his basement. I listened to exactly 5 minutes of the latest show, that's all I could handle.

I listened to the first 100 or so in the entirety about as fast as they were uploaded. The more the mountain ops guys and similar characters showed up, the less I listened.

This pretty sums up what I think of it now as well. I loved all the old ones-good guests, good topics. I too have zero interest in the mountain op guys-they just aren't that interesting to listen to. Some of the fitness podcasts have been really good, but some have been downright painful. Several of them I just had to shutoff as I yelled at the guys on the podcast to just shut up as it was just a brag-fest.

Brian has become the guy he said he did not want to be and hates.

I just stopped listening because I thought the content got boring/stale.
Just listen to what everyone is saying, here is your privileged info, enjoy!
If you're comparing those last few post of yours to the hundred thousand downloads Brian got last week, I'm going to say you're outnumbered. To get an accurate assessment you really need to tally up the positives as well; 137 emails to my inbox alone last week that were thanking me and Brian for what we do. No idea how many Brian got but it's more then I did I'm pretty sure. If you add the fact that there's over a hundred thousand downloads on a single episode, you adding up a quick Collective on a rockslide thread that started off bashing gritty bowmen is piss poor at best. It's actually a lot like bringing a knife to a gunfight, but as I said before I am arguing with facts. If what your posting above is your facts, you better get the books and look a little harder.

Again, Brian and I both welcome feedback... Brian maybe a little more than me haha. We also welcome good solid discussion on any subject, including topics that people don't like on the podcast.

There's no doubt that some listeners will die off but Brian will do his best to keep things interesting.

Anyway, I'm not sure why I'm arguing about this other than you pissed me off.

Taking a poll on how much people like gritty bowmen on a post that started off as a bash Fest is probably not the best place to collect data... Call me crazy

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I'm stoked for this podcast big time. Shits gonna get expensive I can tell already. I used to just wander around the bush looking for animals like an idiot before GB.

Now I wander around like an idiot with a Kifaru frame/pack, a GPS with a compass on it, and a Petzl E-light I loose every other trip.

thanks AARON....

I bet you rock selfies tho...🤣

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I guess a bunch of us aren't the demographic GB is chasing then. And that's fine! If the downloads are coming in, who am I to say change directions?
The early episodes were awesome. I learned a ton of stuff and could count on an honest opinion on gear. But something changed when I started hearing about them "working with'' sponsors and I lost interest. Again, that's only me. And in no way is this a personal judgement against either of them. Either could hunt circles around me.
For those of you who think Boudreaux is just some anonymous internet guy, he is the guru on hunting whitetails out of a tree saddle. I know of him from other corners of the web.
I guess a bunch of us aren't the demographic GB is chasing then. And that's fine! If the downloads are coming in, who am I to say change directions?
The early episodes were awesome. I learned a ton of stuff and could count on an honest opinion on gear. But something changed when I started hearing about them "working with'' sponsors and I lost interest. Again, that's only me. And in no way is this a personal judgement against either of them. Either could hunt circles around me.
For those of you who think Boudreaux is just some anonymous internet guy, he is the guru on hunting whitetails out of a tree saddle. I know of him from other corners of the web.
I think you're missing my point or I'm doing a piss-poor job of explaining it.

I'm pretty sure I've made it clear that Brian will change directions when needed and is listening to all the feedback.

Just because he's getting a ton of downloads doesn't mean he wants to lose some of you at the same time. He's definitely getting back to how it was in the beginning without sponsors and is excited about it. Having said that, if he likes a product he's going to talk about it and the whole knock debate with something he wanted to touch on as he likes that product.

As far as the stats of Boudreaux, it's pretty much inconsequential to me. I'm glad he's a great white tail Hunter find hope that some of the podcast coming down the pipe will entertain him. If they don't entertain him, he has the option of not listening or waiting for one that does. That's kind of my point I guess; what Brian is doing now is working really well and I think he will keep doing a little of everything but also get back to way things used to be at the same time.

I just get a kick out of someone taking their data off of gritty bowmen bash session. I'm not denying that feedback isn't needed, but it's probably not the best place to gather numbers.

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These are the types of threads that drive reputable people off internet sites. No one posts on Archery talk anymore because its full worthless bash and gossip threads just like this one. Thanks to Brian and Aron for unnecessarily explaining themselves to these holier than thou keyboard archers. I wish the mods here at rokslide would swing the hammer more, there is a lot of guys here that could be learning from Aron and Brian instead of them wasting there time on internet babble.
Taking a poll on how much people like gritty bowmen on a post that started off as a bash Fest is probably not the best place to collect data... Call me crazy

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As the fool who started this thread I would like to note that it was intended to call out the product more than the podcast, for the most part. I'll admit it was poorly executed.

I was honestly in shock after listening to this episode. My initial reaction was that I was being fed a sh!t sandwich (BT nock), and being told it was a steak. I have really enjoyed GB's take on gear, tactics, and how not to die in the woods. I'm cool with the product endorsements as virtually 100% of the stuff is actually really good gear, and I have spent an insane amount of money on gear based on your recommendations, knowing that you have personally used and tested it...and I highly respect your opinion.

All that being said I just can't get on board with a BT nock. I thought the product was stupid and I stand by that.
As the fool who started this thread I would like to note that it was intended to call out the product more than the podcast, for the most part. I'll admit it was poorly executed.

I was honestly in shock after listening to this episode. My initial reaction was that I was being fed a sh!t sandwich (BT nock), and being told it was a steak. I have really enjoyed GB's take on gear, tactics, and how not to die in the woods. I'm cool with the product endorsements as virtually 100% of the stuff is actually really good gear, and I have spent an insane amount of money on gear based on your recommendations, knowing that you have personally used and tested it.

All that being said I just can't get on board with a BT nock. I thought the product was stupid and I stand by that.
I don't like them either, but here I am arguing in Brian's defense... Haha

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It's pretty obvious to me. Brian and Aron are doing something right or there wouldn't be 20 pages of comments!


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