Anybody else recovering from shoulder surgery?

As a physical therapist, recovery is based on a lot of things: age, surgery, rehab....etc. a labral repair with bicep tenodesis recovery won't be as long as a rotator cuff surgery. Biggest thing, IMHO, is to keep slowly building strength as your shoulder can tolerate it. As another guy said earlier, when you do start shooting your bow start with lightest poundage and work up as tolerated. If you are doing rehab, tell your physical therapist you want to shoot a vote again and he can give you exercises to help you with those movements.
Not to derail the conversation to knees, but how are you 5 weeks post ACl? My wife is 10 days from ACL, left and right lateral meniscus, and hopefully nothing on MCL. She’s very active and hunts a lot. I told her this will be the year she draws Mtn goat. I had knee surgery last year, but it was straight forward. Not a great comparison to what she’ll be in for.
I tore my ACL, meniscus, and MCL 5 years ago last month and I was able to hunt in the fall of that year. I even went up and scouted quite a bit. Early on though down hill will be harder as it made my knee want to hyperextend a lot which stresses the ACL.
Surgeon told me that comparing "shoulder surgery" outcome between patients is like comparing " auto accidents". There are fender benders and there are high speed head on/ rollovers.

Add to that patient age and expectations.
Older patients are usually looking for pain relief and day to day function.
Young college or professional athlete is wanting a return to high level performance.

Disappointment arises when older slow healing patients expect a return to high level performance or activities that put high stress on the joint. That outcome can happen but just less predictable when you're getting the Denny's Senior Discount.
Surgeon told me that comparing "shoulder surgery" outcome between patients is like comparing " auto accidents". There are fender benders and there are high speed head on/ rollovers.

Add to that patient age and expectations.
Older patients are usually looking for pain relief and day to day function.
Young college or professional athlete is wanting a return to high level performance.

Disappointment arises when older slow healing patients expect a return to high level performance or activities that put high stress on the joint. That outcome can happen but just less predictable when you're getting the Denny's Senior Discount.
Quality of PT is also really important. It can vary.
Quality of PT is also really important. It can vary.
Absolutely true but the same PT (or surgeon) working with a genetic freak playing professional sports will have different expectations than with a 50 something wanting to shoot his 70# bow for 50 arrows again.

It's nice to have a top surgeon or PT who treats professional athletes but the overwhelming majority of us are barely the same species as a young professional athlete.
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I know this PT is moving slower. But I did tell her I’d do as much as she would let me do.

September isn’t far away…
Absolutely true but the same PT (or surgeon) working with a genetic freak playing professional sports will have different expectations than with a 50 something wanting to shoot his 70# bow for 50 arrows again.

It's nice to have a top surgeon or PT who treats professional athletes but the overwhelming majority of us are barely the same species as a young professional athlete.
I hear you, not much of genetic freak but I have longs peak, mt evans bike climb, and all,sorts of other mtn biking, scuba, and backcountry trips planned turning 50 in a couple of weeks. For me my shoulders feel way better now, than the last decade or so. Full nights of sleep as well. It can turn out positive.
I hear you, not much of genetic freak but I have longs peak, mt evans bike climb, and all,sorts of other mtn biking, scuba, and backcountry trips planned turning 50 in a couple of weeks. For me my shoulders feel way better now, than the last decade or so. Full nights of sleep as well. It can turn out positive.
Full nights sleep without my shoulder waking me up sounds like a fairy tail to me right now.
I have a torn labrum, bicep tendon, and rotator cuff. Obviously the surgeon wanted to get in there and stitch everything back together. I couldn’t imagine going through surgery as I’ve heard shoulders are the worst/longest recovery. I just got stem cells from Riordan in Dallas (Dr who was on Rogans podcast). The only gamble is I wasted money if this doesn’t work, although his office has an 85% success rate with my injury. I’m 5 weeks out and back in the gym and physical therapy is going really well. We will see 3-6 months from now if it fully heals or not.
I have a torn labrum, bicep tendon, and rotator cuff. Obviously the surgeon wanted to get in there and stitch everything back together. I couldn’t imagine going through surgery as I’ve heard shoulders are the worst/longest recovery. I just got stem cells from Riordan in Dallas (Dr who was on Rogans podcast). The only gamble is I wasted money if this doesn’t work, although his office has an 85% success rate with my injury. I’m 5 weeks out and back in the gym and physical therapy is going really well. We will see 3-6 months from now if it fully heals or not.
In looked into that but had full tears of the tendon.
I looked into stem cell therapy as well. I know the surgery helped my other one. At least to an extent. Which is why I went forward with it again. But it does seem like some people have had success with the it.