Any Wilderness Unlimited Members on Here?


Apr 20, 2020
I’m considering joining and would like to ask a member a few questions. Please shoot me a PM if you’re open to it.
Not a member, but know a few:
1. Get ready for a high pressure sales pitch.
2. It is better deal if you have good flexibility to hunt during the week vs only weekends.
I was a member back in the late 90's.

High pressure salesman
High density of hunters on small properties
Seemingly no management of the properties, eg, poor animal numbers, dried up "fishing ponds," etc
Management disregarded safety issues, eg, guys driving around the property drinking beers and admitting to almost shooting me thinking I was a wild hog.

The only highlight was a property near Covelo called Spy Rock. Beautiful property, nice bucks, hogs, quail.

Again, this was 20+ years ago so cannot speak to their operations currently. Two years was all I could handle. Then it was a pita to get out. Again, high pressure salesman hounding me to stay.
I was a member back in the late 90's.

High pressure salesman
High density of hunters on small properties
Seemingly no management of the properties, eg, poor animal numbers, dried up "fishing ponds," etc
Management disregarded safety issues, eg, guys driving around the property drinking beers and admitting to almost shooting me thinking I was a wild hog.

The only highlight was a property near Covelo called Spy Rock. Beautiful property, nice bucks, hogs, quail.

Again, this was 20+ years ago so cannot speak to their operations currently. Two years was all I could handle. Then it was a pita to get out. Again, high pressure salesman hounding me to stay.
Thanks for the info.
I’ve been a member for five years and have nothing but good things to say! I tagged 5 animals not to mention upland game, ducks, and fish. Me and my wife love it. PM if you want any info. I just got two of my friends in it. It’s a great club! Lots of game and privacy.


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Not a member, but know a few:
1. Get ready for a high pressure sales pitch.
2. It is better deal if you have good flexibility to hunt during the week vs only weekends.

I had the same experience when I met with them. That alone was enough to keep me from joining.