Any old guys hunted Dall Sheep?

Never underestimate what sheer will can accomplish. Your body will give what you demand of it.

I love living in a mountain town and watching all the old people still getting up the hills. I was out hiking a trail that was 2 miles with 1500' of elevation gain and I passed a 60+ yr old couple headed up. The trail was icy then snow-packed and I figured they would turn around. 30 mins passed at the top when I was glassing for goats and sure enough here comes the old couple, they made it up turned around and headed back down. Just a nice Sunday afternoon stroll. I'm confident that dude could go sheep hunting.
Do it man. Lots of folks your age and older make it happen.

That said, it is important who you book with. Some outfits will have you walking in without a flight in. Some will horseback but haven’t scouted the sheep and they might be a ways away from where you can get a horse. Some will fly you into an area that typically holds sheep but you’ll walk to find them. Some will have scouted their entire area before season and drop you near where legal rams were seen. Some have helicopters and can get in/out closer to the target areas than a plane can get.
You can do it with some good training.

When I went to Alaska a couple years ago, one of my fellow hunters was older than you and his guide was in his mid 60's, at least. But sheep guides are a different breed.

Go for it - you'll only regret it if you don't go.
Train to be in better shape than you think you will need to be. The biggest problem my east coast relatives have when they come out to hunt with me in Montana is the altitude. It takes some time to adjust, the better shape you're in to start the hunt, the better time you'll have.
I was in your exact spot a couple of years ago. A sheep hunt has been my one unending dream since I was 5 or 6. One very cold winter day I was working outside on my construction equipment and said to myself “ enough is enough, I deserve it”. I walked into a gym for the 1st time since college and started working out that very day. I lost the excess weight. Quite a bit of research later and I’m booked on a Yukon hunt this coming August. I’ll be 63 when I get on the plane.
I’ll admit, the day I decided to go and also the day I booked the hunt my confidence in being able to do it was somewhat low. I knew my mental game was solid but the physical part needed work. As time, stairs and miles under a heavy pack went by the confidence grew. Right now, 8 1/2 months out, I know I’ve got this. So can you.
I can’t speak as someone who has done this but I was in your exact shoes about 6 months ago. Sheep is one of the few species I have not hunted in North America but always wanted to. It was always out of reach due to finances, work or family commitments. But I will retire in less than 2 years and at that point my commitments will have been’s time to fulfill my dream. So I booked a sheep hunt for 2022 and since I have made the commitment to do this I lost 10 pounds just by a change in diet. I know I have 20 more to go and then I will be at my young Buck college days weight. I know I can do it because I did it about 10 years ago and was down to a trim 180lbs and in the best shape of my life...unfortunately I let things slide since I work 6 days a week at a sedentary job. Starting after the holidays I am beginning the journey to reclaim my physical well being .....slowly because I have time and because I want it to last this time. I won’t say there aren’t days I don’t wake up and think “I must be crazy”. But I quickly talk my self out of it because I have always had a “Can do attitude” and have accomplished most everything I have set out to do. Go for it! I am and I am 2 years older than you!
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We hunted nwt with lancaster and there were 2 guys over 60 that both killed rams , they have some milder terrain they can hunt, they said they have young mans sheep and old men sheep, helicopter makes a big difference.
Both my sheep clients in the last 2 seasons were in their 60's. Both killed great rams. Its not the age, its the want...
Several of the outfitters in the NWT and Yukon use helicopters to get you pretty close. Those outfitters are pretty good at sizing you up and setting your hunt up accordingly. The areas are game rich and resident pressure is virtually non-existent, so contingent on the weather and your ability to shoot, you will be successful. That's why it costs more than going to Alaska.

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I guess I can join the fray here....mid 50's still getting it done. I have tachycardia issues and have for many years, so while i am an avid runner, with the hard core climbing at altitude I take my time. I can usually out climb and distance much younger guys.
The knees are a biggie for many. It's importatnt to keep them healthy or know when they are too far gone for a mountain hunt.

My avatar goat I killed DIY in 2015 at 52.
Took my 67yo father in law last year. We almost got a ram 2x. Just bad luck, with wind, and walking out of sight/over cliffs. I've run into a number of guys that were near 70 still sheep hunting. I have hopes that I will still be hunting sheep when I'm 70.... so another 30 years or so. ;)
I see finances brought up often when talking about sheep.

What’s a ballpark figure money wise? 5k? 10k?
I'm turning 68 this Saturday and I never looked at myself as the "old guy". Now I'm starting to wonder!
Should have had a clue when a few years back at a family gathering an eight year old girl was sitting with me on a swing. Later her mom asked where she had been and she replied " I was sitting with that old fart"
Just helped pack a sheep off mountain at 13000 ft though.
The trick to sheep in the lower 48 is getting a tag. It generally takes years and years of applying or lots and lots of $! Many of the sheep hunts here in Colo have pretty darn high success rates but getting a tag is next to impossible.....and getting worse every year!
I'm 58 in a couple months and ride off road dirt bike every week, surf big waves, and hunt/fish. I grew up in the mountains of Northern California, so not an expert on sheep country. But I also grew up in NM and hiked/hunted the higher elevations a bit.

At our age it is just a matter of getting in shape. Walking/running stairs with a ruck will work. Real mountains or at least hills would be even better. Riding a stationary or real bicycle an hour a day or more is incredible for cardio.

I have no problem keeping up with my 20 year old nephew/riding buddy or his young riding friends.
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