Ill do a little story write up. After I found out I drew the tag I immediately picked up a second tag because I can archery hunt over the counter in this unit. Idaho is awesome like that. So throughout archery season I got on a couple decent bucks, biggest one going about 160ish I believe. Real similar to the one I killed but just smaller all the way around but same type of mass. Never could get a shot off, its very difficult to sneak into archery range in open rolling hill stuble, they would let you get to about 100 yards and the moment you stepped into their comfort zone they would bail. Its like they have a sixth sense that that you cant put your thumb on, they wouldn't even have to be looking at you or wind you, they just knew. So a week before my hunt I went out with my gf to do a quick evening scout, was pretty uneventful, lots of small cookie cutter 4 points and 1 decent whitetail. On the walk back to the truck about 200 yards from the field edge we spotted an absolute giant. Huge symmetrical 4 point with great forks, super tall in the back and probably around 28'' wide. We snuck back to the truck the long way and got out of there without spooking him I think. Opening day of rifle was a week later and I wanted to kill that buck. Opening morning we got to the field about an hour before sunup and parked on the field edge on a vantage point with a combine and a half dozen other pieces of equipment. about 20 minutes before sunup we hear a clicking and clacking sound and I knew what it was, bucks goin at it. When shooting light finally came they were 300 yards away skylined on a rolling hill with a farm house a mile away in the background, the buck I shot was the biggest of the bunch. I passed on the shot because of the situation and never could catch up to the bucks as they made the mile journey to the edge of the canyon, I beat them to the canyon edge but when I tried to make the final stalk within a couple hundred yards they slipped into the canyon and I never got another glimpse of them. On the way back to the truck I found the buck I was chasing with my bow and a few other younger bucks bedded 300 yards from the truck. I made a stock on them and got to around 250 yards and passed considering what we had seen the week before and that morning not to mention it was opening day. Day 2 glassed and walked glassed and walked etc... turned up every buck the big one was with the day before but never saw him. At last light we spotted a buck across the canyon in a piece of ground that we couldn't hunt and I don't think he would have been an inch under 200. He was unreal. We saw an atv drive by him at 300 yards with 2 people wearing orange and he just huddled down and they didn't even see him. Day 3 we spotted a group right off the bat with about a half dozen bucks, 2 with huge bodies. I thought one of them was the 160 I was chasing with my bow and I was feeling a little dejected about not seeing the opening day buck again. I made the mile trek across the field and flanked the group of bucks who were also with a dozen does at this point. I snuck to within what i thought was about 100 yards from them and had a field break (where 2 fields meet and is unplowed so its tall grass) right between us. My gf and dad were up at the truck watching it through a the spotters and binos from 1200 yards away. I was doing a wack a mole thing peeking over the field break and they were on me right away. After peeking over about 10 times i finally spotted the big buck through my scope and I knew it was the buck from opening day and my knees got weak and heart about jumped out of my chest. I got set up to shoot and ranged him, i was using my tripod for my binos as the rifle rest. I got a clear shot at around 300 yards and my reticle was all over the place i couldn't even consider pulling the trigger. They knew something was up and meandered into the dirt field about 500 yards from my position. On the other side of the dirt field was land i was told to not even bother asking about hunting so i was worried to say the least. To my surprise they all bedded right in the dirt with the big buck staring at my position, I immediately flanked hard right over the top of the rolling stuble hill and started closing the distance and belly crawled for a hundred yards or so (crawling on your belly through stuble sucks so bad) and stuffed my bino case inside my sweatshirt to shoot prone off of. He was still staring intently on my previous position and i swear he never blinked, and this was 45 minutes later. When i finally settled in with the scope on him i ranged him at 355 and there was a doe right next to him which made me nervous because it was a small margin of error, 30 seconds later right on cue he stood up and i was so buck fevered up i don't even remember pulling the trigger i just remember the report of the rifle and jacking another shell in and settling the scope again and seeing he was hit good, the does ran off and he fell within 10 seconds and never went anywhere. Truly one of the most intense moments of my life. Anyone who hunted opening weekend in northern Idaho knows its been unseasonably hot, that's why field pictures were taken in the ugly dirt field because, making sure meat gets cared for is priority over taking real nice field photos. Afterwards i felt nauseous for a couple hours because of the adrenaline rush, it was very humbling being up close to a such a great deer. I'm very greatful for the opportunity and have to say thanks to my girlfriend and dad for taking the time off work to help me hunt and scout. Sorry for my terrible grammer and poor sentence structure I'm not much of a writer.