Any firefighters out there?

Firefighter Paramedic from Texas, I came to the career side 2 years ago with both 16 years vollie and 14 years ambo experience prior to that. I made the right choice. I work for a smaller department that pays great. I suggest smaller department over big, but advancement doesn't come as easy. But after my time at very busy EMS service in one of the fastest growing areas in the country, I wanted nothing to do with big city any longer.

Love my job, about to move to 48/96 which affords me plenty of time to work second job and have time at home. 48s is the way most departments are going in Texas. Good luck !

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I retired two years ago at the age of 47 after 24 years, last 8 as a BC. As mentioned, if you work in an affluent area the amount of actual fires you’ll go to is slim, like probably a handful a year, if that. Good for the community, not so good for skill building and proficiency.
My recommendation when looking for a dept would be the following:
All career dept - less politics & hurt feelings
No transport ems - Your going to run a crap ton of EMS calls each day, running them on the engine is one thing, the ambulance is another.
Benefits- As a youngster I didn’t care, I just wanted to run calls. Now the benefits mean more to me than the call do. How is the City/Area trending? Can it sustain raises, pensions etc. what are the economic drivers for that area and are they sustainable?
Older cities with less affluent areas provide ample opportunities to learn the trade, in general. However, I’m not sure how much of that you have in your area or if you’re willing to move for the right spot.
Learn another career on your days off from the FD BUT do not calculate the money into your yearly finances for housing etc. You can get transferred to another division in the blink of an eye and loose your “day off” job so never count on that money.
Retire early and retire often.
I don’t miss the job but I do miss the guys and girls.

The above is good insight. I’d just add that the affluent area vs poor area is a fine balance. In Ca, the affluent areas pay really well, but don’t burn as much. The guys in the valley get more fires but many are leaving to the Bay Area for the better pay and benefits. Not getting your dick kicked in every single day for 30 years will leave you in better health in retirement.
Sometimes 24 hours is too long and 48 hours ain’t long enough.

Home ball game weekends, I’ve made over 30 runs in a shift a couple of times. Most home games gets you in the 20 run club pretty regular.

If you have a good job now, don’t give it up. Volunteer somewhere to scratch your firefighter itch. That’s my advice.