Sounds like we went to the same school, except the A+ part on the labsI'm an electrical. I make good money and do rewarding work. There are a lot of remote options that are available to me. It's been a good career for me so far.
I am by no means a math wiz. I have always been better at math than average, but far from having real talent. I do like math though, which goes a long way.
My school intentionally made my degree a ton of work to get. My sophomore EE class (the first EE specific class at my school) had roughly 30 people in it, and I was one of eight who ended up graduating on time a couple years later. They seemed to make the workload intentionally unreasonable to create attrition. Nobody cared about the work either. By senior year I would get back lab reports (which were the result of three hours of lab time and a couple hours of writing time) with an A+ grade and no markups, like the grader didn't even read it, just a quick scan through to verify I did all the work and then A+.
I relied on my friends heavily. We would hang out together day in day out just slogging through.