I ran 12x50s the past 7 seasons, thought they were the best option...
On 2 different hunts this year I realized I didn't have the FOV I needed to efficiently grid a hillside sub 1200 yards.
Scooped some 8x32 ELs...holy cow, felt like I went from blind to 20/10. Was also pleasantly surprised by how much detail I could make out waaaayyy out there. Off hand glassing was not even comparable to the 12s. Lowlight performance is excellent, can see just fine waaayyy past legal shooting light.
Stumbled into some 10x32 Victory SFs at a ridiculous price and thought "why not"...indeed they can best be described as the perfect compromise between the 12s and 8s. Good enough off hand, noticeably wider FOV than the 12s, but extra resolution/detail off the tripod compared to the 8s.
If I could only keep one, for the mix of hunting I do out West (80% high country mule deer, 20% elk wherever I find 'em) the 10s are the clear choice.