8x as Primary Glassing Optic?

Which Optics Set Up for Western Hunting?

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I’ve used my Swarovski 7x32s for everything for the past 30 years with no complaints.
I’ve also got a Swarovski 20-60x65 spotter, which seldom ever gets used in the field.

I’ve run through a pile of 8x and 10x range finding binoculars over the years. My current set is Leica Geovid Pro10x42. They would suit me as an all around pic, but I still prefer my old Swarovski set overall.

I tried some 15x binoculars a few years back and quickly got eye fatigue from the amplified shakes.
I just upgraded to EL 8.5x42 so maybe I’ll feel differently but as of now I can’t imagine going on a deer hunt without a spotter. I have a maven CS.1a and while I know there’s a lot better out there, it’s still extremely useful to get a closer look. I find myself glassing with it at least 50% of the time
Bringing this back to life looking for some more input.

I currently have SLC 10x42, stand alone rangefinder and an ATC spotter. I primarily back pack hunt for archery elk, rifle deer, elk, coyote and bear. I'd like to switch to RF binos for the simplicity and potential time savings (considering switching to a STC for time savings as well). I'm curious what people's experience has been like utilizing the EL Range TA 8x32. They have a great field of view, substantially lighter than the 8x42 or 10x42 and seem to have the best glass in a RF bino according to reviews. Anyone have experience with these?
I use the 8.5x42 Els, with a 85mm spotter. I rarely go anywhere without the spotter. I have never regretted packing it around, but I have regretted leaving it behind. This covers my bases for most of what I do, but will also pack a pair of 15's depending on the hunt.
Made the switch this season to 8x42 nl pures from 10x42 slc. Not missing the 2x so far. I do carry a spotter though (kowa 88)