I'm kinda over my Sitka 45 after a few seasons with it. Although I like the compactness, at the same time I find myself running out of room for packing meat and equipment before my weight threshold is reached. I'm really liking the looks of the Tenzing packs, as they seem to provide a lot more support and a bit more room than my Sitka. Here is the question though... do I go with the 5000 or 6000? It will be used primarily on 2-4 day hunts, with the occasional 5-6 dayer thrown in. When I kill a blacktail here in CA I like to pack the whole thing and my gear out in one load. It would be nice to have the option of fitting an entire boned muley plus gear in/on it if I had to. Could I get away with this on the 5000? I'm thinking and hoping the 5000 would work for my needs, just looking for a bit of assurance from those who have fondled the packs in person!