Another bear mauling

Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
Nothing you can do in a situation like that where it's on you before you could use a gun or spray. Hope he doesn't lose his vision in that eye. He's got a good attitude about it.
I read that yesterday. Wow, he is a lucky fella. Seems like it's happening more and more lately.
Be careful out there!!

When I lived in Alaska far more people were attacked by black bears. I remember one attack in which a large female black bear attacked a husband and wife team who were moose hunting. The husband died from his wounds, and the wife barely survived hers. Blacks or browns are no joke, given the right circumstances.
I'm just waiting for the "I would have shot it 10 times with my 10mm before it got to me " crowd to chime in. Majority of these attacks give zero warning or reaction time to deploy anything. Luck plays a greater factor in surviving.

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This guy and the bear first saw each other at a distance of 30 feet. If you've ever seen a bear run at top speed, 30 feet leaves you enough time to think "ah shit". Hope he has a full recovery and that his eye heals.