Anchorage-area gunsmith??? 35 Whelen build!


Feb 21, 2016
Texas & Alaska
Looking for recommendations for a gunsmith to build a 35 Whelen. Need a barrel, chambering, threading, fitting to stock and cerakote. Have everything but barrel on hand.

I’m in Anchorage, AK.

Any local recommendations?

If you want to go the Whelen route I'd recommend considering the AI version- better shoulder. I had a 35 whelen rebored from a 270 and it had FTF issues about 25% of the time! no bueno on a hunting rifle. Had to load the bullets jammed to the lands to get consistent fire.

I ended up re- barreling to a 9,3x62 and have had no problems since.
If you want to go the Whelen route I'd recommend considering the AI version- better shoulder. I had a 35 whelen rebored from a 270 and it had FTF issues about 25% of the time! no bueno on a hunting rifle. Had to load the bullets jammed to the lands to get consistent fire.

I ended up re- barreling to a 9,3x62 and have had no problems since.
No offense intended here, but neither of the problems you mentioned were caused specifically by the 35 Whelen AI cartridge. It sounds like your rebore was botched somehow.

OP: I shoot a 35 Whelen AI out of a Tikka that I spun a 35 Whelen AI barrel onto from Mcgowen. Fires and feeds 100% of the time. Absolutely a beast of a round, but a standard 35 Whelen chambering will provide you 98% of the performance with zero issues.

No offense intended here, but neither of the problems you mentioned were caused specifically by the 35 Whelen AI cartridge. It sounds like your rebore was botched somehow.

OP: I shoot a 35 Whelen AI out of a Tikka that I spun a 35 Whelen AI barrel onto from Mcgowen. Fires and feeds 100% of the time. Absolutely a beast of a round, but a standard 35 Whelen chambering will provide you 98% of the performance with zero issues.

It was a standard 35 W chambering. I took it to 3 different gunsmiths and tried a number of things that did not work. I know the "correct answer" is that there is no such thing as a shoulder/headspace problem on a 35 W but somehow the problem persists.... must have been truth to it at some point. Maybe old chamberings or resized brass. Who knows.

That's why I suggested the OP look at the 35 WAI just because. I am very happy with the 9,3x62 and should have gone that route initially, especially in Africa where it is quite popular.
I fought misfires when I first put my Whelen together as well. It was my dies. Even the 400 Whelen has ample shoulder for headspace. But one has to be careful not to push shoulders back when sizing. Even new brass has been known to have the shoulder pushed back.

I’d see if Andy Hawk can work on your rifle OP. I don’t know if he offers coating but he’s very good at everything else you’ve listed.
Highly recommend Steven clake at Denali arms. He’s done tons of work for me on several rifles as well as building my last custom fieldcraft in 35 whelen has all the gear to do the caliber now with my one rifle being the only chamber the reamers been used on. Runs flawless shoots amazing. Got tons of pictures if you want.
Highly recommend Steven clake at Denali arms. He’s done tons of work for me on several rifles as well as building my last custom fieldcraft in 35 whelen has all the gear to do the caliber now with my one rifle being the only chamber the reamers been used on. Runs flawless shoots amazing. Got tons of pictures if you want.

Uh… yeah! I reached out to him today. Feel free to photo bomb this thread.
