An Epic Adventure


May 2, 2012
Well my brother, cuz and I hunted 4 days in some of the nastiest wind/rain I have ever been in!

Lets just say we have two pack that stink to rotten hell and need a good cleaning.


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Very nice and great eating! Ya if your hunt was in nor cal you are correct on the weather it was bad! Lots of flooding creeks and downed trees in my area.
short recap.

First pig

My boar. Killed thursday. Got there in rain and 20-30 mph wind gusts. We glassed most of the morning and turned up nothing. My bro and cuz were running on fumes from an all nighter and needed a nap. They went to take a snooze and I decided to still hunt around. Caught some wind of piggy smell and found some rotten from that night/morning. Continued on and caught a different smell, hard to explain but it did not smell the same as a big rotted up area. I thought, there is a pig in these bushes. I made a circle around the brush to get to the top and look in. As I am cresting the hill I look down and see fresh crap and go super slow. I get two steps and am stopped and looking around. As my eyes go from right to left I get about to my 1000 and a pig jumps up from behind the tree 10 yards to my left. The pig does a 180 and is facing my direction, but keeps its head behind the trunk. I draw my bow and take two super slow steps keeping my 20 yard pin where I think its armpit will be. I stop as I catch movement of its ear flicker. At this point I know the armpit should be right down and release my arrow. I see the vanes sticking out as it screams and runs downhill. I run to the ridge and look down waiting to see it come out and it never does. I hear a stick break and go into the brush a little and see it lying dead with the back of my arrow sticking out. He went all of 20 yards and died within about 30 seconds from the shot. Double lung. My arrow went through 1.5" shield, rib, lungs, rib and about half way through the 1.25" other shield.
Pig two:

Saturday night. 2.5 days of pouring rain, soaking wet clothes and gusts of wind in the 50-60 mph range we were still at it. That night we decided to split up and go into different directions and meet up at one spot and hike out. My cuz decided to take the long hike and hit some draws and drainages. He was going through a draw and attempting to cross a rushing river of a flooded creek and looks up to see the fatty takeing a snooze under a tree. Takes a few steps back and pokes him at about 18 yards slightly quartering too. Gets front shoulder and lungs. His pig (young boar probably about 20-30lb less than my boar) makes it about 40 yards and dies within about a minute. That pack out sucked big time!
Pig 3:

Tired from saturday nights pack out and a resltess night with poaring rain and wind.....again.... We get up and decide to hunt more local...make a quick trip seperating again and meeting up back at the truck. My bro starts down hill, still early and makes his way to the bottom. On his way to the bottom he sees what looks likes lumps under a tree. He stops to ponder what it is and a group of pigs bust out from under the tree. He draws his bow as a couple run away and one circles back around the tree in front of him. 22 yard shot a little back and a short track job and he had a young sow down for the count.

Stinky, soaking wet packs loaded her up and back to camp to pack up and head home!
Nice job guys!

That was no doubt a hairy storm. My youngest son and I gave it a go on Sunday morning but got blown off of the mountain...