An adventure with my 11 year old daughter

Jul 26, 2019
What a great adventure for you and your daughter! As a dad of a 4yearold princess, this is really cool to see. Hopefully that will be us in a few years. Congrats again and thanks for sharing!


Oct 21, 2018
Congratulations Sara (and dad)! It is so awesome to see daughters hanging out with their dads. I have done backpack trips with my daughter but no hunting (she loves the animals too much). Some of my all-time favorite memories.

Keep up the good work!


May 3, 2015
We hunted the same stand this evening. The winds swirled a good bit. We didn’t see anything. Going to try it again in the morning. Tomorrow is our last day to hunt. Hopefully we can let a few more arrows fly.

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May 3, 2015
Hunt again this morning and only saw a raccoon and our gator friend. We took down the stands and this evening we are going to go a little deeper and try to spot and stalk some in the oak hammocks. Should be a good evening. The area we are heading hasn’t been hunted during this quota hunt.

We did get all of our animals quarter up and in the cooler. Sara was caring her share of the load and was elbow deep with me skinning and quartering.


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May 3, 2015
Stalking this evening proved to be the right call. The wind switched 180 degrees today at lunch time so not would be completely wrong for the area we had been hunting. We went into a new area this evening that was not very wide and had an old road through the middle of it. The wind was ideal for this spot and blew constantly the same way all evening. It was a little not open under the oaks and palm trees but did have some palmetto bushes.

On our way out to this spot we see a few more alligators and a black snake. Sara is not a fan of either and is scared pretty bad. I am so proud of her because although scared she was not going to let her fears hold her back.

It didn’t take us long to find lots of hog sign and it was fresh. We are easing along trying to stay in the shadows and be as quiet as we can when we see the first pig of the evening. It is a smaller one. Maybe 40 lbs. It comes out of the palmetto bushes and is at about 15 yard and I’m ranging and Sara is setting her sight but before she can prepare for the shot then opportunity is over and the pig slips away. We haven’t went 30 yard when something else catches our eye. It is a bigger boar. Maybe 125-150lbs. It pops out at 20 yard and the same thing. It takes an 11 year old a little while to setup for the shot. This pig is walking away from us and about to get out of our opening. I send an arrow threw him and he bolts off. We find a good bit of blood and follow it for about 150 yards before we lose it in the thicket of palmetto. We didn’t want to give up but it’s not safe to go looking for one it the thick stuff. This is a management hunt and they want the hogs killed. So while it sicks to not find it the risk is not worth the reward. We did circle the palmettos and never found any blood coming out the other side.
So we are back to easing down the old road. We have been several hundred yards and Sara is wanting to head to the pickup spot. So we turn around and start back up the road. We are walking the opposite direction the we where before and haven’t gone far and we have one squeal and run off on the right side of the road. We hear the palmettos rattle on the left side of the road and I see a small pig behind some palm branches. It is not far. Less that 20 yards. I come to full draw and whack this one. We follow the blood trail only 30-40’yard and find the small boar. It is a great size for the smoker. We thrown it in the pack and head back toward the pick up spot.

We are singing and talking loudly to scare the alligator and snakes away. Not sure it works but we didn’t have and close calls on the way out. We did happen to see 3 large pigs feeding in the marsh. I range the closest one 44.5. The know something is up and start to leave. But they are crossing the road in fronting us. When the last one crosses I let loose another arrow. It goes sailing over it’s back. I had ran up when they disappeared in the tall grass and forgot to subtract the yardage I ran up. And that was the end of our last day of the hunt. We will sleep in in the morning and should be home with all our family by tomorrow evening.


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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
Looks and sounds like you guys had an amazing trip together. Thanks for sharing enjoyed following along

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