ammo shortages impact to firearms seasons?


Dec 10, 2015
Stopped in to Sportsmans to get a couple things for turkey archery season coming up, and seeing the empty shelves, got me wondering what impact this shortage is going to have on firearms seasons. They had a display set up with some turkey shells, and the only thing they had was a handful of Remington turkey loads. Your average dude who is not like me and thinking of hunting pretty much 24/7, is likely not going to be able to pattern a gun or get ammo. Same thing goes for rifle seasons this year. If this continues, well into the year, what impact do you think it will have on hunting pressure, and participation?
Despite the classy crew here, from my experience 90% of hunters don't pattern and/or sight in. Just finding half a handful of dusty, tarnished cartridges or shells and a case of Natty Light will be fine. I suspect the woods will still be more packed than a clown car at the circus.
It won't affect a lot of the more serious hunters but I've got two friends who have never been hunting out west that want me to take them out to do either an antelope or elk hunt. They have never shot over 100 yds and always off of a bench here in texas so they need practice...and they only have about 60 rds between them. I told them to go find some 22 and start practicing with that...but even that is hard to come by sometimes. I am supposed to do a boy scouts 22 clinic and they could not find any. I'm breaking into my stash to run it. There will be some rusty shooters out there. The problem is I don't think this will end anytime soon.
I am still shooting the same box of shells I bought in college, granted I just started hunting them again after a long break. I need to double check to make sure I have enough shells for the season. It seems like turkey loads have been one of the few boxes of ammo I have seen in stock when I have looked. That might change with spring coming. Worst case scenario is I will try to get one with my bow!
I don't pattern my gun. I have used 4 shells in the past 4 years with 4 bird to show for it.

Not everyone is willing to trust that it's the same year after year but It works for me.
Yep, I patterned my 870 years ago and it hasn't changed and I trust it completely. Now my trap shooting may have to take a turn if I can't feed the gun.
Not likely much impact at all. There will be some guys that hit up the local sporting goods on the way to their hunting spot looking for ammo, find none, and ask what the hell is going on. Most will be prepared, mostly.
I have never been completely out of ammo, and suspect most hunters are not! Despite being a turkey geek I can kill turkeys with about any load available so if stuck I could improvise!
Stopped in to Sportsmans to get a couple things for turkey archery season coming up, and seeing the empty shelves, got me wondering what impact this shortage is going to have on firearms seasons. They had a display set up with some turkey shells, and the only thing they had was a handful of Remington turkey loads. Your average dude who is not like me and thinking of hunting pretty much 24/7, is likely not going to be able to pattern a gun or get ammo. Same thing goes for rifle seasons this year. If this continues, well into the year, what impact do you think it will have on hunting pressure, and participation?
If a person does not have it he or she has to hunt it down & unfortunately pay a higher price
There are going to be more wounded animals i think, there are alot more hunters out there who don't have a stash of ammo then do, so they wont be able to practicw as much or they will switch brands or weights and not re sight in their rifles, its sad but i see it every year the week before season guy walks up to the bench dusts off the rifle pulls out a walmart bag with a single box of ammo takes 5 shots and calls it good, this will just increase that i fear
There are going to be more wounded animals i think, there are alot more hunters out there who don't have a stash of ammo then do, so they wont be able to practicw as much or they will switch brands or weights and not re sight in their rifles, its sad but i see it every year the week before season guy walks up to the bench dusts off the rifle pulls out a walmart bag with a single box of ammo takes 5 shots and calls it good, this will just increase that i fear
Lets hope not that would not be good
There are going to be more wounded animals i think, there are alot more hunters out there who don't have a stash of ammo then do, so they wont be able to practicw as much or they will switch brands or weights and not re sight in their rifles, its sad but i see it every year the week before season guy walks up to the bench dusts off the rifle pulls out a walmart bag with a single box of ammo takes 5 shots and calls it good, this will just increase that i fear

5 shots? Sounds like your fudds are 5 times as prepared as normal fudds around here lol!
5 shots? Sounds like your fudds are 5 times as prepared as normal fudds around here lol!
No Joke was at the range once a day b4 season, had time to kill and it was next to my bros house, dad and his son who had to be 12 pull up dad pulls out a brand new in the box remington 243 and ammo he bought at the range and procedees to scream at his son, who didnt seem to have ever shot a rifle before, that he wasnt hitting the target... I felt terrible for the kid, the rifle was prolly bore sighted wrong and the kid was doing nothing wrong.....