American Primeval on Netflix

I liked Horizon. Beautiful cinematography.
My brother (long time gay guy) suckered me in to Broke Back Mountain. I had a very well put together Australian Cattledog named Ripper. I owned horses and lived in New Mexico. Was my Cowboy phase of life in early 30s. Got me with "amazing cinematography"

Then I heard the jingling belt buckles in a small pup tent. Sorry...THAT was too graphic for me.
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I love it. Not nearly as brilliant as Deadwood, but the writing is similar. All the actors gave compelling performances. If you're OK with a lot of violence, I would recommend it.
The arrow speeds and deer skinning gore (looked like road kill) might have been a little over the top but at least the gun fighters did occasionally miss and run out of ammo. That never happens in any Netlfix special forces flick where the leader of Seal Team 6 is a 90# Victoria Secret model with a foul mouth, Chuck Norris/Chris Kyle skills who saves the world from nuclear destruction.
It's entertainment not a Ken Burns documentary and I was entertained.
I keep hoping Netflix or some other service will make a mountain man type series.

I know Deadwood was well thought of, but I think a series similar to that with more of Jeremiah Johnson / Centennial (James Michener) type saga would be entertaining. Taos would be a good place to place to center around because so much happened in that area in terms of trading and cultures intermixing.

I can see it now… Mountain men, rendezvous, fights with Indians, throw in a few love stories between the characters to keep the women in the audience entertained… it practically writes itself. Maybe some of us on here should come up with a plot and assign ourselves some characters and their story lines to write. Then we hire somebody in Hollywood to polish it up for us and pitch it to a streaming service. At the very least, it would keep us busy enough to reduce the number of resident vs non-resident discussions on here.
Loved it. Seemed like the first show we’ve watched in a while that didn’t try to push on us who to view as “good” and who’s “evil”.
I dunno… seemed like they painted the Nauvoo militia and Brigham Young with a pretty tarry brush. Probably well deserved. Also the bounty hunters. I don’t see how you could interpret those characters as anything but evil. That being said, as I mentioned earlier, I also liked it a lot. The characters were mostly complex and compelling, and very well acted IMO.
I wonder how many hits and follows Allysa Grenfel and Johnny Harris got on YouTube? Why would drinking hot caffeinated coffee or tea restrict a Mormon from one of their three heavens and/or eventually becoming a god and sitting next to Jesus and other gods if you are worthy otherwise? Room temperature or iced caffeinated drinks seem to be ok? Joseph Smith is FACINATING, to me!! He either had all the things happen to him, like he says, believes it all happened, or was the most brilliant, intelligent, genius, charismatic, and manipulative con man in US history!!
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I thought it was a great watch. Agree with a lot of what others had to say about the gore and darkness. Which leads me to ask, am I the only one who thought Jim Bridger was going to get killed as the Mormons were lighting everything on fire?! I was waiting for it to happen and it never did lol.
I read more about Joseph smith than I ever thought I would. I have a few Mormons on my wife’s side of the family and I’m gunna have to ask them some questions next time I see them 😂 how they can buy this stuff is beyond me
Would it be more realistic if Joseph Smith parted the Great Salt Lake, if folks in Vegas were turned to salt because of their wicked lifestyle, and Smith brought about an invasion of snakes and locusts and other natural disasters onto the unbelievers that they felt were oppressing them?
Sure its overdone some what but its a TV show.
There was a lot of accurate info in it. Like the Massacre of the settlers by the Mormans
Its the Mountain Meadows Massacre
This was actually downplayed. The mountain meadows massacre was significantly worse than what was displayed in the series.