Am I the only one who hates RF pouches on Bino Harnesses?

I don't even like bino harnesses, so there's that. I keep my Leica in my front left shirt pocket (LH) with the strap around my neck. It's easy to grab, range, and then just let it drop if I'm taking a shot (bowhunting).
Where do you keep your binos?
I very much like the way my RF holder mounts with velcro to under side of my chest mount bino harness.
Do not like everything about my kuiu harness but the way the RF mounts is perfect to me. Totally out of the way and fast access when bowhunting with a minimum of movement.
I use a key ring and geryrug the rangefinder up to the harness by my right deltoid. Can be a little annoying shouldering a rifle but great for bowhinting as there is minimal movement. I hate on my chest or harnesses with wings.
I use Marsupial and like it. Small pouch for Zoleo on rhe opposite side to balance it out.

Never really think about it because it's just a necessity.
Forgot I also have a lighter, alcohol wipes for binos and scopes, extra ear plugs, and some extra AAA batteries for headlamps in there too. Kestrel and Spartan bipod in there along with the Meopta RF binos.

Heading out to shoot tomorrow morning and this thread reminded me to check my bino harness as I haven’t cleaned it out in ages.

I’d highly recommend going to RF binos. I understand the archery hint argument for separate unit but sounds like eliminating it if you can solves your issue.

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would like this on a green or brown color...
Like @Macintosh said, RF binos eliminate the problem entirely. I used to keep my RF in a pouch on the right side of my binos, now I have a glasses case there... because I'm getting older and I need my spectacles
Dude. Fellow 50+ here. If its readers that you need a carrying solution for, do yourself a favor and try a pair of these. I feel like I havent taken mine off in years, its been a true gamechanger.
I sewed my Outdoor Vision rangefinder pouch to the binocular pouch. I didn’t like how it rode before I did that. Now it doesn’t bother me at all.
My solution which is a little old school. I have a love hate relationship with binocular harnesses and rangefinder pouches. They add bulk I just don't need in early archery season in drier weather. My rangefinder has camo silent tape and is hard to see in photo, but it is just below and left of my binoculars.

I carry my rangefinder on a strap I make using 3/8" nylon webbing with elastic webbing on both ends. Then I cover it with fleece around my neck and shoulder area. It keeps the rangefinder from swinging and is always handy. It is accessible with or without my pack, easy to put on and the last thing I take off. I carry my level one survival stuff in my pant pockets including my InReach so it's always with me.

I very much like the way my RF holder mounts with velcro to under side of my chest mount bino harness.
Do not like everything about my kuiu harness but the way the RF mounts is perfect to me. Totally out of the way and fast access when bowhunting with a minimum of movement.

Same. I have primarily used kuiu bino harnesses and never been bothered by the range finder underneath.
I’ve tried simple straps and lightweight options but wanted everything central without added pouches that flip around. This led me to a Kodiak Cub which has been good and bad. The rangefinder pouch is secure and up front but I have little discipline to not add more “stuff.”
I didn’t read all the replies, but I also hate range finder pockets and all the junk hanging off bino harness. I run a MR bino harness now that has small stretch pockets on the side that I can easily put my sig kilo 5k in with some stretch cord tied off so it doesn’t fall out with out me noticing it. I couldn’t be happier with this super sleek set up.
I agree. I do have a pouch on my bino harness but only to keep my RF and binocs together for travel. When I am in the field, the RF hand around my neck on a short piece of cord (just long enough to fit over my head). Much quicker to deploy and to drop when done and with less movement than using a pouch. Once my RF is out, I slide the pouch behind me so it is out of the way.
I have yet to find a great commercial solution for a RF pouch, so I made this:

Individual preferences very interesting. I have had my RF in a case on my right side harness strap for as long as I can remember. S4 Gear, original Kuiu, SG, Kifaru, SG. On there all year and always wear it, any hunting or just hiking. Never notice it or even think about it until I want to range something.
RF on my bino harness is fantastic, love having it up high and tight, I always know where it is, I can drop my RF and it’s tethered to me