So I am trying to create a load for my 308 win. I have 3 different bullets that Im testing with Varget powder; Barnes ttsx 165 grain, Nosler Acubond 165gr, and Berger VLD 168gr.
My first step has been to load 5 rounds starting at the low end of the powder load data, and working my way up. I am going to be looking for which is most accurate, while also checking for any high pressure signs. These rounds are loaded to the seating depth recommended by the manufacturer. I have loaded my rounds, but havent shot yet as Im looking for a good bench rest to assist me.
After this, I will then tweak my depth to see if I can get any more accuracy out of it. The question is, should I have done depth prior to powder load?
My goal is an MOA of 1 or less. Its a deer hunting rifle that I plan to shoot use at <300 yards. The rifle is a Remington 700 action, bedded in a fiberglass stock by Stocky's.
Let me know if my logic of working the powder load, then seating depth is good, or if I should do it another way. any other tips would be great!. worst case i'll buy a box of ammo that my gun likes, but I really would like to fill a tag with a round that I loaded myself.
Thanks for reading!
My first step has been to load 5 rounds starting at the low end of the powder load data, and working my way up. I am going to be looking for which is most accurate, while also checking for any high pressure signs. These rounds are loaded to the seating depth recommended by the manufacturer. I have loaded my rounds, but havent shot yet as Im looking for a good bench rest to assist me.
After this, I will then tweak my depth to see if I can get any more accuracy out of it. The question is, should I have done depth prior to powder load?
My goal is an MOA of 1 or less. Its a deer hunting rifle that I plan to shoot use at <300 yards. The rifle is a Remington 700 action, bedded in a fiberglass stock by Stocky's.
Let me know if my logic of working the powder load, then seating depth is good, or if I should do it another way. any other tips would be great!. worst case i'll buy a box of ammo that my gun likes, but I really would like to fill a tag with a round that I loaded myself.
Thanks for reading!