Am I crazy for not using a peep?

Feb 29, 2012
I have been shooting for 20 years now and I have yet to shoot with a peep. I have been using a kisser and I have a pretty reliable/repeatable anchor point.

What has scared me away from a peep so far is that it is just one more thing to worry about while out in the field (twisted peep, low light scenario, falling out, slower string speed, etc.).

So what I want to know is, do the pros outweigh the cons? I shoot consistently in practice to 60 yards without one and shoot pretty well actually.

What are the pros? How much will my groups tighten or consistency increase? Convince me to finally jump in and install a peep! I have actually had a g5 meta peep in my bow tool box for 2 years now but it is still not installed.
Doesn't matter if you don't use a peep as long as you are comfortable and use the same anchor point each shot. Since you have been doing it that way for 20 years why change now? If you are curious about if it'll change anything then install it and give it a try. I like a peep because I think an anchor point gives a more consistent anchor point. Lining the round shape of the peep with the round shape of the sight is pretty efficient.
I have been in some situations where I wish I didn't have to look through a peep. Just didn't let enough light through. I could see the animal fine not looking through the peep, but couldn't see it well enough to shoot when looking through it. Gloomy days in the timber can get too dark to shoot before legal shooting time ends. I have never shot without a peep, but am curious how much my accuracy would suffer.
My buddy still shoots fingers, with no sight. Just like he has for a VERY LONG TIME. i think he usd to be friends with Ishi. :) Most people would say you need it, but if your set up works well now, don't sweat it. Or try it to see if you like it. I use the G5 and like it. As for you grouping better, in theroy you should shoot a little better. Just give it a shot. Good luck.
What are your groups at 50 & 60 at present? Do you wish they were better? Be realistic! As Jared mentions, it's not mandatory, what works for you works for you!

My groups at 50 and 60 yards are 6 inches pretty consistently with the occaisional flyer but that is more TP than anchor point. Every once in awhile I notice that at distances over 40 I am hitting a bit lower than normal and I want to attribute that to a slightly higher anchor point than normal.

It is going to have to be a perfect scenario for me to shoot past 50 yards at an animal so I am not sure the increased accuracy from the peep will be a benefit other than during 3D.

And just to clarify... my 20 years + started when I was in elementary school and I am only now in my early 30s. A lot of time left to try a different route.

Thanks all for the feedback. Keep it coming!
If I were you I would try the peep and see how it goes.... You might be surprised at how much more accuracy you might gain.
they can help you miss if you become dependant on them, rebecca missed her leopard 3x because she could not see her peep in the dark / yes they do make you more accurate, but it is good to have a good anchor so the peep is not nessary
I think it will improve your confidence and your accuracy... Holding 6" groups at 50 yards is pretty good, but probably not quite good enough to be shooting at game at that range. Try a hunter-sized peep and see how you do - shoot some practice groups before and after and compare. I'm interested to hear your results. Good luck!

Okay, you guys have me convinced. I am going to get a peep installed and give it a go. I will see how it works out for the next 3 months. Do you recommend 5/16ths as "hunter size"?
Get whatever size peep fits the outside of you sight housing. You might have to play around with a few different sized. But you want it as close to a match at full draw as you can.
I find a 3/16" peep fits my sights best but that may be too small for you. Try a 1/4" and see how that goes.
no peep = no bueno!!!!

Your peep sight should fit right around your front sight forming concentric circles. That will make you more consistent and accurate! Try a larger peep if need be like j-rod suggested.
I started with a peep that had a small hole and bored it out a couple times until I got it where I like it. At 1/4 inch it works fine in low light. With a modern quality string like a Winners Choise the turning problem should be gone after you get your string set. I use a string loop as extra insurance to keep my peep aligned.