Always tired? Gaining weight?

I know this isn’t a health/Dr forum but I’ve posted random stuff here before and figured I’d ask anyway. If it’s in a wrong spot please delete.

I’m a 28 year old and I’m always tired… I wake up, want to fall back asleep. Lunch time (If I do eat) want to take a nap. 8-8:30 on a Friday night? Want to go to bed. I have a very busy life, I run 2 companies, am married, just had my first kid 8 months ago and I try to hunt/fish in the time I can. I run 2 separate construction companies and I am physically in the field 1-4 days a week doing the work myself. I don’t workout after work, I usually don’t have the time. 3 years ago I was around 225-235. Now 3 years later I’m at 275. I’m 6’7 or 6’8 so I know I should be heavier than most, but I am curious to see what everyone thinks?
Also, I eat as healthy as I can. No fast food, no take out, wife or I cook 6 of 7 nights a week. I eat breakfast at home and bring a lunch to work.

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First get your blood tested. A 28 year old shouldn’t be suffering from fatigue like that. My guess would be low testosterone. Changing your diet can help a lot with fatigue. Low carb or keto diets helped me with energy levels through the day.
I did that and I fall on a normal day around 25-2700 a day depending on if I’m in the field or not. I didn’t think that was to much considering how tall I am and being active in the field most days

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Personally I think your tiredness is justified and well earned. But the calories - that’s not enough at your size if you want to have more energy. You need high quality caffeine like real green tea and a pill made by Jarrow called L-theaninie. Then make sure you have food handy because you’ll be hungry/hangry. Also you’ll have to poop more often which might be problematic with job sites etc. But honestly, just enjoy the well earned tiredness and sleep as much as you want/can.
I have been thinking that stress is most likely causing a lot of these problems.. I just don’t know how to “limit” stress. My wife calls me a worry wart all the time.

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My story is similar however I’m only 5’-5”;) Large family, stressful job that is literally 24/7/365 and no matter how good I eat, it’s hard no to gain weight and be energetic. Also fight arthritis.

Recently I’ve cut almost all dairy from diet and increased fiber intake a lot and it’s helped more than anything else I’ve tried.

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Your a big unit dude. It takes alot of effort for your heart to make you run.
I'm only 5'11" and hover around 190 lean, 200 winter weight.
I also work in construction.
I went though the ringer in my 20's, (now 39) with my health. A cut just behind my knee cap on a radiator bracket at work and unbeknown to me it got infected, which then turned into septicemia.
Long road to recovery from that as I didn't respond to standard medical treatment protocols of the day, which meant I ultimately was going to die.
I had to explore alternative options to get well and that has been something I've continued since than for the obvious reason that they saved my life when other things couldn't.
I also had side effects of the standard medical treatments to work though, and ultimately live with still to this day.
When all this happened I was living a reasonable ish healthy life, as it sounds you are to.
So any advice from me comes from that background and will not be advice of moderation.
But look at the effort that you sound like you are putting into your life, multiple businesses etc.
Moderation just means equal part good and bad. For some of us that doesn't work out.

I now eat a carnivore esc diet and no longer skip on sleep. I also make sure to take at least one down day per week, (Sunday) that is family time.

A couple of worm holes for you to go down if you want you.
Dr Sean Baker.
Dr Paul Saladino.
Even Brand.

I'm not saying it's as simple as just food, but food, water, air, sleep are the foundations of physical health and energy.

Good luck to you either way.

Just a thought for later in life really for you to think about. “If” your issue is low T, how would you really know. Testosterone is different in all men. What is considered low for one may be actually high for another and still considered normal on the overall spectrum. I would suggest getting tested at a younger age so that when you get to be in your 40-50s when you expect it to go down then you would actually know it is changing because you have a base line.

But that doesn’t help you now. Sounds like you have a ton going on and I’m guessing you don’t actually mentally stop even after you fall asleep at night. Stress can be worse than anything sometimes when it comes to weight. If it is in your budget you might consult professional therapy. Sometimes getting all the stress off your chest to a stranger that won’t tell your family can take a huge weight off your shoulders and give you better vision to be a better dad/spouse/hunter by letting you focus on what really matters.

I’m an engineer and not a doctor so take what I say w a grain of salt. But at your age it probably isn’t something super strange. Simplest explanation is probably correct. I switched jobs at about your age and it changed my stress level. Weight came off fast with much less effort. Just my $0.02

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Very well could be thyroid. Do not rely on a "normal" PCP that only looks at TSH. You need to also have free T3 (fT3) evaluated. Free T3 should be a minimum of 3.5 for most people to feel well. Hypothyroidism can also drive down T and just as importantly Estradiol. Quick thing you can do now is take your body temperature in the middle of the afternoon. If you are not very close to 98.6 you are functionally hypothyroid. Not all agree with this, but it is an indicator many times. Also having a history of it in your family, I would definitely want to rule that out
I know you say you eat healthy by not eating fast food etc but it still may be diet. I was in a similar boat a year and half ago. 6’5” 275 lbs. Tired, groggy, etc all the time too. I quit drinking and ate EXTREMELY clean for a year (nothing processed, basically no “products”, just food). I also started exercising pretty hard the pst 6 months. Im down to 195 lbs and feel like a million dollars. I am NEVER tired during the day. Period. I get tired about 9pm and go to sleep. Wake up and donit again. PM me if you want some more insight into the things I ate/changed in my life. Be happy to help.

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Echoing a lot of what has been said here. Find a doc that will run a COMPLETE thyroid panel. This needs to include the TPO and TGA antibodies. Those markers will determine if you have Hashimoto’s which is an autoimmune disease and not really a thyroid problem, but an autoimmune problem that is attacking your thyroid and messing up those hormones. If you are consuming the amount of daily calories you say you are and are active in your work and still gaining weight, it won’t matter what you do if you have hormone resistant weight loss. Someone mentioned cortisol and I would agree with that as well. The cortisol levels should run in a diurnal pattern. A great test to evaluate that is the DUTCH urine test. It will determine what your levels are throughout the day and evening. In my past experience hormone based weight and energy issues with an autoimmune component are tricky. If you really want the help you may have to fire several doctors until you find the one who understands and can put all the pieces of the puzzle together.
As most have said, your symptoms point to low t, check that for certain.

Second, while drawing blood most definitely have glucose checked. Untreated diabetes hence chronic high blood sugar actually seems likely given your symptoms.

Last, covid or the vaccine can have cardio damage. This happened to me, and took some time for my team to figure it out.

I’m diabetic on insulin so I will always deal with testosterone and glucose effects on energy or fatigue. Minor damage from covid or vac may affect heart rhythm and therefore altered or reduced blood flow - giving the same symptoms as low t or high glucose.
Should have asked if you had covid and maybe have long haul symptoms?

Im not vexed but had covid twice. The covid wasn't bad but had some major fatigue, brain fog, sleep and energy issues a month after covid. I took a 4 day course of ivermectin, doubled my Vit D, C and zinc doses and took quercetin and allergy pills. It disappeared in a few days. It popped up again at six months and repeated regime. Of course anecdotal, but very safe and worth a try if your Doc rules everything else out of course

I had COVID 2 times but the last time I had it was around 4-6 months ago?

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Instead of replying back to everyone individually.

My diet is good, I think? Breakfast is typically 2-3 eggs, 1 piece of toast and a couple glasses of water. I typically don’t drink coffee. If I do it’s a half cup. Typically splash of cream, no sugar. Lunch is a sandwich or wrap, with an small bag of chips. 2 hard boiled eggs and sometimes a vegetable with hummus. Dinner Varies everyday.

As far as family life goes. My wife and I have been bickering more lately due to my work, is moving soon and just life in general. But it’s not bad. Not like a screaming match. Usually a “no you shut up” and walk away sorta thing.

I have struggles with anxiety a lot in my life but it comes and goes depending on the week and life events.

My caffeine intake is almost nothing.. I have maybe 1-2 cups of coffee a week.
Drinking alcohol varies greatly. Normal week I go out once a week have 3-4 beers maybe more maybe less. If family or friends are in that’s different… I’ll let loose and drink. But that’s also rare.

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I just finished a book talking about this exact problem. No sleep, bad diet, stress and no heavy lifting exercise is the perfect recipe for low T. The book was a little cheesey, the author sounds like a gym bro but the information and program seem legit. The book talks about all the hormones that are causing sleep and weight problems and how to fix them with diet and exercise. It's called Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha. If you're interested.
I just finished a book talking about this exact problem. No sleep, bad diet, stress and no heavy lifting exercise is the perfect recipe for low T. The book was a little cheesey, the author sounds like a gym bro but the information and program seem legit. The book talks about all the hormones that are causing sleep and weight problems and how to fix them with diet and exercise. It's called Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha. If you're interested.

I’ll have to take a look at it. If it Helps me stay off my phone a little bit more why not haha

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Personally I think your tiredness is justified and well earned. But the calories - that’s not enough at your size if you want to have more energy. You need high quality caffeine like real green tea and a pill made by Jarrow called L-theaninie. Then make sure you have food handy because you’ll be hungry/hangry. Also you’ll have to poop more often which might be problematic with job sites etc. But honestly, just enjoy the well earned tiredness and sleep as much as you want/can.

I poop 2-3 times a day already hahah don’t know if I can handle 4 or 5 times a day

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This hit very close to home for me. I get tired around mid day and by the time I hit the bed around 10p-11p, I'm asleep within minutes, sometimes seconds. Thing is, I know why. I wake up at 4:30 every day, weight lift 5x week, run 2x week. Get home THEN my day starts. Work, kids, kids sports, I play softball, being a good hubby and Dad, see extended family, friends, hunt when pilossible, fish when possible, practice shooting bow/rifle, etc, etc....

I also drink socially. That varies GREATLY from week to week depending what's going on. I can have 2 drinks/wk or 30/wk. I try to eat as healthy as possible but sometimes I won't be home from 8a to 9p. And I don't even want to get started on bueno! Only hard no for me is fast food. That stuff is the DEVIL!

I stuff 20lbs of shit into a 5lb bag. Can't have the fun I have without paying the price. I could eat cleaner, stop drinking (or drink way less), go to bed earlier, and be super strict in the way I live. But for me what's end game? I want to live my life now and enjoy my days. So I have to sacrifice somewhere. That means I'm tired a lot, a bit overweight (to my standards) and not as athletic as I'd like or can be.

By the way I'm gonna be 45 and definitely not getting any younger..
I haven’t been the same since I got Covid. Similar to okhotnik I feel no energy, want to sleep, brain fog when I overdo things at work. It’s many of the same synthoms I had when tested positive to Covid. I really think it lingers in some people.

Yours could easily be due to a combo of Covid plus other stuff?

My best medicine has been to slow down to recover and try not to overdo things when the synthoms start returning.
Burning the candle at all ends will fatigue a person and send them to a dark place mentally, physically etc. A human only has so much fuel in the tank to perform. From first hand experience.

A couple things to research:

-Adrenal fatigue

Those two things will silently kill testosterone.

-Caloric intake is huge to keeping weight off and energy levels up. Balanced, non-processed meals. Paleo is a great start.

Quality sleep is one of the most important things to staying healthy. It all starts there.

A few book recommendations:

Why we sleep - Matt Walker
Adrenal fatigue - James Wilson

Hope this helps.
Get the blood work done before going off on a lifestyle change.

Thyroid issues usually creep up on you slowly and can affect everything both physical and mental.

I sent a heart rate monitor back to the manufacturer because I thought it was defective. Turns out it was my thyroid that was defective. I was hill training intervals on a bike and my heart rate would not go back down.
In the mean time I was eating 5000 calories a day and losing weight. I also thought I was slowly losing my mind. Couldn't sleep, mind racing, heart palpitations. Explained to my physician he guessed thyroid before the blood work. Turns out mine was HIGH (Graves disease). Zapped my thyroid thirty years ago and been taking Synthroid ever since, no problems.

Your symptoms may be a low thyroid level which I experienced after my thyroid gland was zapped. It takes a while to dial in the dosage so I went from high to slightly low before getting it right.