Alternative lid for nice frame


Aug 24, 2014
Olympia, WA
I have a MR crew cab and am looking for a lid. The MR lid is a little over built for what I want. I don't need the daypack option and would prefer one compartment. Is anyone aware of a lid that fits my needs that will work with the nice frame without having to modify anything?
Any help is appreciated.
Take the normal MR lid cut off the backpack straps, remove the foam stiffener, cut off the second layer of corduroy where the straps hid. Then cut the stitch that makes it a two compartment. I actually like the lid quite a bit after I did all that and it lost a bunch of weight and bulk.
Sr80 looks like they only sell it with the metcalf. Thanks though.
Bcimport - I wanted an off the shelf solution but I'm thinking this may be my best bet. Thanks.