All things .308 Win

the buggy details please! and nice shootin
You bet.

I have a hunting buddy I hunt with often. He was coming down the mountain hunting with his son for the day and I was arriving to set up my camper for the week of hunting. My buddy said he saw some elk but couldn’t get a shot so headed down. I thought…dang, I better get up there this afternoon and see if I could get lucky with other elk maybe passing through…which they pass through often in this particular area.

So I headed up the hill at a full clip. There’s no decent hunting on the way up as you’re in a drainage until you hit the ridge line. It’s quite the pull and will leave you sweaty by the time you reach the top. When you reach the top I usually change layers and start glassing and poking around at hunting pace. I made my way over to a good glassing spot and started looking for animals. Low a behold, I found them right away. They were down the ridge line a couple of miles and moving toward private land that isn’t legal to hunt. They were meandering and I saw no orange jackets in the area. I looked at my watch and figured I could make this work before dark, but I’d have to hustle. And that’s what I did. I basically jogged/ran my way to them.

The country they were located in was somewhat rolling hills down the ridge line. Grassy sage with the occasional ponderosa pine. I ended up coming to a nice saddle completely obscured from their view prior to the ridge I wanted to shoot from and dropped my pack. I had my Leica rangefinder binos on my chest and my Tikka CTR. I made haste up the next hill and used a downed tree as cover at the summit. I made my way laterally around the base of the tree and could see the heard of about 18 on the opposite side of the next hill down the ridge. They were getting ready to cross onto private. I thought to myself, “shoulder shot, so my target doesn’t run with the herd onto private.” I had my Gunwerks bipod (amazing unit BTW) and settled in for a prone shot. I ranged a couple cows and they were right in the 600-605 range. I finally decided which one I wanted and ranged carefully a couple of times. IIRC, it was 603 actual and 600 corrected for slope. So, right on 600. I checked my calculator and dialed accordingly. I took the shot, watch it hit the cow in the shoulder, and she collapsed. All they elk looked around, but could figure out what happened with the long shot that was suppressed with my TBAC 7. I watched her for a bit with no movement.

I was psyched! Longest shot on game I have ever made!

“Now the work begins,” I thought to myself. I walked down the hill back to my pack and trekking poles still feeling the rush. I grabbed them and headed back up to the top of the hill where I made my shot. I glassed where I shot her and she still hadn’t moved. The rest of the herd moved onto private land, however.

I made my way to her and the light started fading. I decided against a photo as I was in pretty deep (5ish miles) and I had a lot of work to do. I got the butchering done by about 2300 and everything hung in a tree by midnight. I loaded a front shoulder on my pack and made the long hike back to camp. The spot where i hung my game was up on the ridge line and had cell service. I was able to text my buddies and loved ones I got an animal. My buddies were coming up the next day.

I finally got back to camp and put the quarter in my cooler. I got into bed at about 0200 the next morning. I think I put on 15ish miles as per my tracking on ONX.

The next day my buddies showed up before dawn to get up the hill and get some hunting done. They knocked on my camper door, but I was toast…I didn’t even hear them. Good buddies that they are, they packed all the rest of the meat up to a good meeting spot where I met them later in the morning with my game cart. That’s where the photo was taken.
Found it


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Headed off to google “federal 168 tru tmk” :)

ETA couple boxes inbound.
Berger 185 OTM Tactical / Juggernaut at 2600 fps will get you 1800 ft lbs out to about 350 to 375 yds depending on elevation, etc. It is one of the easiest bullets to tune that I have ever seen. It kills.

a 200 Hybrid at 2500 fps will get you another 50 yds, maybe.

44 gr Varget and 185 Juggernauts at 100 yds off a bipod while zeroing a scope.View attachment 835335
Ballistic AE tells me that bullet will get to about 580 yards before dropping to 1800fps.

I really like it. It fits me perfectly, most of my shooting is done from ladder stands or shooting houses sometimes off hand but those shots are usually less than 50 yards. It has a wide flat forend that makes it great for shooting with a prop but not so wide as to be uncomfortable shooting free handed. The downside is it's heavy.
Heavy could be ok though if it means even less recoil and a more stable rifle. How heavy are we talking compared to the standard stock?
Headed off to google “federal 168 tru tmk” :)

ETA couple boxes inbound.
Me too, what is that magix, looks like it shoots superb!

Found the ammo, looks like a great option. Since I'm stocked up on amax in 168 I'll hold off, but nice to know theres another option for it too
Heavy could be ok though if it means even less recoil and a more stable rifle. How heavy are we talking compared to the standard stock?
IMG_20250208_144545162_HDR.jpgHere's my setup factory savage 110 Magpul. Tract Toric 4-20x50 in Burris rings, sick scythe ti. Unloaded it weighs just a bit over 12 lbs. To me that's not very heavy. My dad runs a factory 110 hog hunter in 308 with a Leupold vx5 HD 3-18x44 and a sico harvester Evo just from handling his rifle I'd say it's probably 2 maybe 2.5 pounds lighter. Difference in recoil is negligible between the two.
View attachment 836291Here's my setup factory savage 110 Magpul. Tract Toric 4-20x50 in Burris rings, sick scythe ti. Unloaded it weighs just a bit over 12 lbs. To me that's not very heavy. My dad runs a factory 110 hog hunter in 308 with a Leupold vx5 HD 3-18x44 and a sico harvester Evo just from handling his rifle I'd say it's probably 2 maybe 2.5 pounds lighter. Difference in recoil is negligible between the two.
Now thats a good looking setup! How do you like the magazine change?
It seems that I have been patiently waiting for a nice 308 forever.....until October when I won on GB a un-fired Remington Custom North American rifle. HS Precision stock, 24" Fluted Barrel, Muzzle Crown, Bedded like a glove with a 3-shot ragged hole test target from South Dakota using factory Barnes 168s.

Got this guy with him with factory Barnes in November....have three loads right now in the blocks waiting for weather to break for a trip to the range.

I will post when completed.
I have an older Browning A-Bolt II that shoots those Barnes 168’s to .75”. Lots of Whitetails have made the freezer in front of it.
Now thats a good looking setup! How do you like the magazine change?
It's been solid. It's an ambidextrous paddle in front of the trigger guard. Never had one come loose at an inopportune time and have been able to swap them easily without looking. I run two magazines one for supers one for subs.
Everyone should have a 308. I remember 25 odd years ago just starting to learn long range shooting. There was a website called Sniper Country with great information and litle drama. All the "old" guys on there always said you need to burn out a 308 barrel before you earn the right to buy a custom rifle. Still good advice in my opinion.
I wanted to do some drop confirmations with the Dirty Thirty/308 Winchester. We had winds from the northwest, which was a quartering headwind for us. I was shooting to the north. After the guys got all of their stuff done, Glenn spotted for me while I started doing some drop confirmations. The quartering headwind noticeably pushed my bullets down as I extended distances, but I still had fun.
Even at 300 yards it took me more elevation to hit my target, then it should've. By 400 yards I had a sense of how much I should add at 500 yards. At 500 yards, my first shot at the 10 inch diamond target was close to a center hit.

I wanted to do some drop confirmations with the Dirty Thirty/308 Winchester. We had winds from the northwest, which was a quartering headwind for us. I was shooting to the north. After the guys got all of their stuff done, Glenn spotted for me while I started doing some drop confirmations. The quartering headwind noticeably pushed my bullets down as I extended distances, but I still had fun.
Even at 300 yards it took me more elevation to hit my target, then it should've. By 400 yards I had a sense of how much I should add at 500 yards. At 500 yards, my first shot at the 10 inch diamond target was close to a center hit.

View attachment 836535
That XP is bad ass. Nice shooting too