I have been struggling with "sweaty weather" clothing choices.
This is going to go against the norm here I know for sure. There was a guy at the Harrisburg Sports show a couple of years ago selling Rocky clothing. I was in the market for some turkey hunting stuff at the time and stopped in. 400 bucks later I walked out with 5 silkweight t-necks, two pairs of pants one heavier that the other, a lightweight synthetic vest, a pair of heavy bibs, a heavy coat, a puffy coat, and a lightweight jacket, a beanie cap and lastly a pair of lightweight gloves.
I have used it for my last two local deer seasons and the last 4 turkey seasons. Is it high end , no it is not. Is it the most technical clothing I own, absolutly not. Are there things that could be better, yes. Does the sytem work well , yes it does. It was 26 opening morning this year on opening day NW at 10-15 and I was toasty with a base, the vest and light pant, and the bib and coat on. By 2pm it was 64 degrees and I stripped off the bibs and coat. During turkey season it was the light pant and jacket and one of the silkweight t necks. I would think for South Texas that turkey set up would be nice on hot days like our turkey season when it hits 80 degrees. I received a good bang for my buck on this purchase and for my local stuff here in the NE it will get it done. Would I take it to Canada or AK no I wouldn't I have other stuff that is more appropriate for that type of hunting.
I'm not a pro, I'm not sponsored by anyone, I don't have or want a youtube channel and don't do FB. Save the extra cash for other stuff that mandates the spend. God knows Bubba done killed a truckload a whitetail in a pair of wranglers and a woolrich with his 257 Bob.