All my upland hunters out there, which shotgun?

I’ve been looking at buying a Browning Citori. Can’t decide on 12 or 20 gauge. Do you own the Citori CXS Micro or the Feather Lightning?
I think its the Citori Feather they have so many models I still get confused it was around $1800 or so online. It shoots 2 3/4 and 3 in shells the ejection is great and the trigger is awesome also. I had a Ruger Red label for years that I did very well with but the Citori is in another league.
I personally like the benelli ultra light. Have carried the montefeltro amd the m90. All great guns.
had an a400, it lasted two seasons before it didn't like to cycle, sent back to beretta and they replaced a bunch of parts and first outing it did it again. Benelli M2 ever since, going on 5 seasons replaced recoil spring with the sure cycle system only for corrosion resistance.
I like the looks of the new franchi affinity elite 20, haven't shot one yet, but love my affinity 12
spend the extra cash and get the Browing Citori Gran Lightning in 16 guage, you will be set for life.
Lighter shotgun, lighter recoil, just as efficient as a 12 for Quail, Grouse, chucker,etc
I have upland hunted quite a bit, in four states. Never felt undergunned with my 20s and killed just as many, or more birds than when hunting with my 12s.
have not shot it much but got tired of waiting for a 20 from Browning and the rumered 20 sx4 so went with the lightweight Benelli 20, wishing they had the 28 but am happy with this. Was assured it would eat everything thrown at it,,,we shall see!
have not shot it much but got tired of waiting for a 20 from Browning and the rumered 20 sx4 so went with the lightweight Benelli 20, wishing they had the 28 but am happy with this. Was assured it would eat everything thrown at it,,,we shall see!
Regurgitation an old thread . How about a brief report on your experience w the Montefeltro.
Most of the time I hunt with a Benelli ultra light 12 gauge or an old 16 gauge A5 w/modified choke made in the 1950's. I am planning on breaking out a new 20 gauge A5 with a 22" barrel that I bought 25 years ago in a gun shop in OKC that I've never even shot but I'm getting older and well.....why not.
I'm personally attracted to old guns, 40s, 50s, & 60s Brownings. There are a lot of old guns I'd like to have unfortunately my bank account prevents it, LOL
I think its the Citori Feather they have so many models I still get confused it was around $1800 or so online. It shoots 2 3/4 and 3 in shells the ejection is great and the trigger is awesome also. I had a Ruger Red label for years that I did very well with but the Citori is in another league.
In the 1980s I bought a used 20 gauge and a used 12 gauge Citori for $500 each.
They are still my go-to shotguns for everything, both 26" barrels which looks funny with the
shooter built like a giraffe, but I've been shooting them for 38 years. . .
I typically shoot 100 or more targets per week (skeet or sporting clays) and hunt every weekday
from October to mid-January so they see lots of use.

I do have a 20 gauge CZ redhead and a Winchester SX4 12 gauge but rarely shoot those.
Speaking from minimal experience, but I love my Franchi Affinity 20 ga. Ridiculously light and should be perfect for the upland you mentioned.