All my upland hunters out there, which shotgun?

I still use the Browning B-80 SL for upland hunting. It’s actually a Beretta design that Browning licensed in the 1980’s. I bought mine new in 1984 and refuse to replace it because it’s as light and dependable as any of the newer auto loaders. Screw in chokes, great ergonomics, and beautiful walnut stock.
I recently picked up a beretta A300 Outlander. I love the way it fits me and comes up. It's pretty light around 7lbs and is balanced so dragging it through South Dakota cattails is comfortable. The only dislike i have is the saftey. It just doesn't click like my 870. But would definitly recommend handling one if you're in the market for a sub $800 semi auto
A touch over $1500, but I absolutely love my browning Citori white lightning 12 ga with 26” barrel. That gun shoulders better than any of the other 8 shotguns I own. I have a hard time not using it for waterfowl cause I ahoot it so well.....look for a deal on that gun if you are in the market for an over under and you’ll never be unhappy with it
A touch over $1500, but I absolutely love my browning Citori white lightning 12 ga with 26” barrel. That gun shoulders better than any of the other 8 shotguns I own. I have a hard time not using it for waterfowl cause I ahoot it so well.....look for a deal on that gun if you are in the market for an over under and you’ll never be unhappy with it

I don’t have a ton of bird/duck hunting experience and I currently only own 4 shotguns but of my two doubles, my 20ga. Citori is by far my favorite.

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If you want a relatively good budget semi auto I'd recommend the CZ-712 (G2). I paid $500 for mine and I love it. It came factory saracoted and works flawlessly. I've taken many doves and shot a lot of clay birds. I also think it can take 3.5 inch shells as well. If I wouldn't have gotten the CZ I woulda gone with the Stoeger 3500. I've heard alotta good things about it as well.

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After referencing this board once again I think I am going to add a Browning Citori or Beretta A400 to my safe this summer! Joined my company sponsored trap team and itching for a new 12ga!
Benelli Montefeltro 20ga. You can get them used for $600 or new for $900. Light, good balance, perfect for upland game.
If you read through the thread that's exactly what I got 20ga Monte! It's a phenomenal shotgun. Post #28
Congrats on the Franchi Instinct. I have a Franchi Affinity that i absolutely love. It's pretty much a Benelli without the price tag to go with it.
There's a 20 bss on the fire' in your price range. The bss is a fantastic gun and in 20ga will never lose a nickels value.
Good choice! Next stop is a 28 ga, to me it’s by far the most fun to shoot, lightweight, and still crushes birds
Allot of great choices but my favorite is always an over under. I love my Browning Citori lightweight about 6 lbs I use improved cylinder bottom barrel first shot follow up top barrel is modified cylinder. I also like the 26 in barrel swings easy and is very fast to maneuver. It just works great handling dogs. Gonna be a few bucks over your price but a gun for your lifetime to hand down.
Allot of great choices but my favorite is always an over under. I love my Browning Citori lightweight about 6 lbs I use improved cylinder bottom barrel first shot follow up top barrel is modified cylinder. I also like the 26 in barrel swings easy and is very fast to maneuver. It just works great handling dogs. Gonna be a few bucks over your price but a gun for your lifetime to hand down.
I’ve been looking at buying a Browning Citori. Can’t decide on 12 or 20 gauge. Do you own the Citori CXS Micro or the Feather Lightning?
I have three monte's. The 20ga is my favorite. I use it for upland, waterfowl and a nice whitetail buck last year. Great gun..... Just watch your thumb when you load the magazine.... Aka Benelli thumb. Lol
I am going to suggest a different direction. Buy yourself a used O/U 20. Max out your budget and add patience, bird hunting is too fun to hunt with an ugly gun. That means you need to hunt down a really good deal like a Beretta 687 EELL DU gun. Or take the same tack for a SxS. Deals are out there and the 20 is plenty of pop. Try Grifin and Howe or lucky Cabelas find. That first crisp frost morning you toast a rooster or grouse you will never look back.