Alaskans with info on Aleutian Islands??


Apr 5, 2012
Any of our resident Alaskans have some time in the Aleutian Islands and willing to let me bug them???
Umm, graduated high school from Bob Reeve High at Naval Air Station Adak 36 years ago. Went back to start my engineering career from 1990 to 1993. Have not been back since, but have a project coming up this next year. Spent a few days in Dutch. A couple minutes in Shemya waiting to talk to my father while the plane was boarding. Also spent a few days in Cold Bay the last few years, but working and not funning. I have a wide variety of peers that have traveled to more isolated islands dealing with legacy WWII stuff for the Corpse.
Adak would be a great place to film a zombie apocalypse movie..... it’s kinda eerie out there.

This is my view today. Not the Aleutians but pretty dang similar.

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Whatcha wanna know?

Been 10 years since I've seen the chain so not all info super current. My old captain still fishes black cod out of Adak and so does a close mate.
I was looking at the very liberal season for bou out there and was really tempted... I've had a few PMs to make me believe only Adak may be the only real option.
I live in the Aleutians. I don’t know everything but could probably point you in the right direction. Let me know.

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Yeah the pribiloff hunt is probably out of the reach of most people. They are reindeer anyways not caribou.

Unmak is 12k for a kill fee

Not sure about any of the other island reindeer herds

Flights I believe are still Thursday and Sunday to adak so logistically the easiest bet. You could probably do prib hunt cheaper but there's no way to guarantee if you can even land on the island. That's life in the Bering.

Wouldn't pay a normal seat fee but not a bad deal with Alaskan airline miles to adak.

Most bou are pretty scrubby. You'll find some huge sheds on the south end.

There are some good bulls but ur gonna earn it. Expect 30 knot winds and rarely blue skies. And a long walk back to road system. Eagles are like seagulls out there.

When I was in southern kodiak the reindeer were present but that was going on 15 years ago. Would probably rather shoot one inbred reindeer and 3 black tail bucks then do the adak thing..
I've been wanting to do an Adak Caribou hut for awhile now, maybe after the other stuff is over....commercial fishing, sheep season, moose....
I've been wanting to do an Adak Caribou hut for awhile now, maybe after the other stuff is over....commercial fishing, sheep season, moose....

Where/what do you commercial fish?

Looking back I wish woulda bought some 3A poundage back when it wasn't that expensive. Dockbroker has 2c at 50$+. Nuts.