Alaska/Yukon 2025 Moose Hunt


Mar 2, 2023
Planning a 2025 guided Moose hunt. Was hoping to get some feedback on highly recommended outfitters. Thanks in advance.
Budget is around $30k. First option would be land/horseback but not against float either. Really just looking for a quality Moose on this hunt (no add on animals). Thanks!
When I looked into a guided AK moose hunt a little while back these are the ones I looked at and thought they were all great options and tough choice for me:
Freelance Outdoor Aventures
Hidden Alaska
Tyrrell’s Trail
Dillinger River Outfitters

There are many other great moose outfitters in Ak not mentioned above but this was my narrowed down list and tough choice. Of course the hunts were $7k-$10k less 3 years ago. Most of the good outfitters are booked out 3+ years now but can find a cancellation possibly. Good Luck. AK is a special place.
Call Don at Macmillan River in the Yukon, his horse camp hunts are as good as they get. Been twice, going a 3rd.
A friend of a family members went with Dillinger River Outfitters a few years back and had a great time and a nice bull. Their prices may be a little higher than $30K, but they will probably end up being who I use if I do a guided AK moose hunt
I'm currently speaking with a couple Yukon Territory outfitters. Both mentioned on this thread and think they run good outfits. In doing a little digging, it seems like the Alaska based outfits produce bigger moose (more 70"+). Is that just marketing or is there truth to it?
Thanks for everyone's replies. Took some digging but finally booked a 2024 hunt with Mervyns Yukon Outfitting. Now the wait, ugh!
The wait is dreadful if its your first time. I can only speak to first times cause my first moosw hunt happens this fall and Im going crazy waiting for it to get here. My wife is not a fan of me moose hunting as she has told me.
The wait is dreadful if its your first time. I can only speak to first times cause my first moosw hunt happens this fall and Im going crazy waiting for it to get here. My wife is not a fan of me moose hunting as she has told me.
I guess I’m lucky, I’m going to northern BC next year and she supports me 100% just as long as I bring the meat home. She understands since we can’t have kids I need that adventure. And neither one of us likes eating domesticated meat as much as wild game. So two years worth of work makes pretty good sense for us…..
I'm currently speaking with a couple Yukon Territory outfitters. Both mentioned on this thread and think they run good outfits. In doing a little digging, it seems like the Alaska based outfits produce bigger moose (more 70"+). Is that just marketing or is there truth to it?
living in the yukon i can tell you that the +70 are not hidden behind every trees. i would go the farther of local hunters and that will mean avoiding closest of whitehorse hunting areas ...