Alaska - Wrangell Mountain Dall sheep hunt

We ended up walking out of that valley and back to the tents, not having seen sheep to keep us bivyed out another night. After a hot meal and a good sleep in the tents we started out again to check some more valleys the next day.A hawk watched us leave camp. Crossing the creek was actually painful, the water so cold. As we were side hilling around to get into a bottom to climb out of to go over into the next valley I came across a place that got difficult. My Lowa hiking boots have been on 4 sheep hunts and in the high mountain country I love the confidence they give me in footing, whether it be steep grass, loose shale or jumbled rock. I was traversing my way over to the bottom when the loose stuff ended and it became cement hard. No way to kick in a foothold and was out far enough I did not want to try to turn around and go back. My only option was to pick up a rock and dig a step, place my foot in it, lean out and dig another while balancing on one leg. With a 35 lb. pack on and about 50-60 ft. to the bottom it was no fun. The picture does not do it justice, it was steep! About the third step I dug, my thumb grazed a sharp rock and I left a blood trail across the slope. When we finally made our way up the valley the ridge that divided two valleys was knife like with rock spires on top. Between the rock were little grass patches, each at one time a sheep bed. We were able to peek below into the next valley from this knife ridge. and then we glassed awhile before moving on.
guess the technical problems persist. last night when I quit all the photos appeared in the thread after opening and closing it. this morning I notice the first 10 pictures are gone. any one no why?

Just open it up for editing and delete the IMG code lines and then copy in new ones.

One of your other posts show the same photo each time.
there is nothing like being in the alpine, the splendid scenery and the flora is amazing. there are multitudes of flowers, most of them minute. Truly 'God's country'. [URL=]
[/URL] and my favorite:
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high up in the loose shale, 5000-7500 ft, it was amazing to see spiders. many spiders. black spiders about an inch from leg tip to leg tip, they occupied the loose rock and there seemed to be one to every couple of square feet on the whole mountain!
as we made our way up another valley and reached the saddle dividing two valleys it was decided it was another dead end. we could not go down. as it was getting into the evening we set our bivys on the saddle and once again glassed till dark. again, while laying down you could turn your head and look into the valley on the left and by turning right you could look into the valley there also. one of our views was looking up towards the top of the right valley and the lower end of the snow field we were on top of 2 days before but did not descend. you see just the bottom of the snowfield, it comes up aroung the corner to the left for several hundred very steep yards. that evening it rained some and I was fully tucked into my bivy. about 1 am the light rain stopped and I put my face out to breathe the fresh air. only my face was showing. it was cloudy and about as dark as it gets for an Aug. night in Alaska when I heard/felt something hit the top of my bivy and at the same instant felt a light brush across my cheek. I was awake but with my eyes closed and I jerked my head to the left as I opened my eyes to see a large bird silhouetted against the night sky for a second before it got against the background of the mountain and I lost it. Needless to say it was startling. Not sure who was startled more, me or the owl. Damn glad he did not get his talons into my face, I think the hoop of the bivy saved me as he hit that first. The next morning broke clear and we had another nice day ahead of us.
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as we were at the head of the valley and no way out we went down the valley the way we had come and about halfway went up over the ridge to get into the next valley. this is the route we took up, staying to the left of the gravel bottom and then saddling out to the right as we went over. it is much steeper than it looks. as we peeked over and then slowly hunted down into the bottom and up to the valley head we found it void of sheep and another dead end with no way out.
as we made our way out of the valley at the end of the afternoon we headed back to the tents as we only had one day left. we thought we would go back upstream where we had gone the first day in hopes that something had moved in. it would be easy to hunt that way and make it back in time for the plane pickup. after a comfy night in the tents we woke to see 2 sheep on our side of the valley 3/4 of a mile upstream halfway up the mountain. A ram! After seeing 100 sheep and only 5 rams, the biggest a 3/4 curl; this was the most promising sight yet. he had wide sweeping horns and was with a small much younger ram. we took off upstream staying in the bottom trying to use land contours to keep us out of sight. we thought this was going to be easy to get up on him. we had gone about 1/4 mile when suddenly a group of sheep came from upriver and below the rams and made their way on the downstream side of the mountain. Ewes and lambs. And they bedded just above us, pinning us down and not being able to move. A short time later another group came along and now we had 18 girls above us, spread out in 3 groups, each spaced about 500 yds. apart from one another. We sat for along while waiting for them to get up and feed downriver past us so that we could move upriver and towards the ram. it was well into the evening before we finally could make a move and as I had taken a ram in the Brooks Range it was Jim's first trigger. He set off and crawled up the mountain towards the ram while I watched through the spotting scope 1500 yards below. It was nearly 10 pm when he was within 200 yards of the ram but out of sight because of a contour up top. I was watching the ram when he suddenly raised his head and stuck his nose up. then he ran a few steps to look down over the contour that was blocking Jim's view and took a quick look, spun around and ran over the top. after watching him as long as I did through the scope I never saw that definitive 'full curl circle'. if he wasn't legal he must have been very close. those wide sweeping horns when turned straight on showed the tips coming up to his eye, maybe a tad beyond. this was the first time I had tried to digiscope, these were my best pictures of him. you can see I need some more practice...
we had seen 120 sheep, 6 of them rams. had good weather and had seen a lot of country. it was not for lack of trying that we did not cut a tag.
the next day we were schedule for pickup but wind kept the planes from coming. at 7:30 pm they circled a half doz times and then flew home. 20 min. after they left it was dead calm and stayed that way. the next morning we woke to rain but calm and visibility ok. by noon we were picked up and we were on our way back to TOK. halfway there we flew through a valley ( we were only a couple hundred feet off the ground) and saw a bundle of moose tight bunched in the bottom. 10-12 of them, 8 bulls. at least 5 of them way over the legal 50" mark. had never seen such a sight. 1/4 mile further and there were two more bedded on the side and 1/8 mile past them were two more. all looked like shooters. quite the sight indeed. was so mesmerized looking at them I did not even think to take out the camera!
being in the alpine is such a gift and so soul recharging. cannot leave it without a few pics of 'hiking in the lichen'.

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a couple of pics on the flight back, it was a rainy, cloudy day so didn't take many.

the first signs of autumn.

on the drive back we reminisced about what got us started with this sheep addiction. it was 2007 when I drew TMA and took my first legal ram.
2008 found us in Namibia but 2009 had us in the Alaska Range and Jim took his first ram.
as we made our way up the mountain the next day to look for a ram for me we came across this caribou.

2010 had us on Kodiak deer and goat hunting, back into the Alaska range in 2011 and in 2012 we did a trip into the Brooks Range where I got my second ram.

though we came up empty on this trip we were filled with awe at nature's beauty and felt renewed in spirit having visited the high places again. and at 61 yrs. each, we felt good coming out and that we probably have another sheep hunt or two left in us.

thanks for the companionship Jim...
