Alaska Spring Black Bear - Tactics and Advice?


Apr 21, 2018
I am headed to South East Alaska for a spring black bear hunt the first week of May. We will be hunting by boat and glassing the shorelines for bears eating the salt grass. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice that they think would help during the hunt. As of now I have been studying the potential shorelines well be hunting and marking areas that look interesting. Stuff like creeks coming out to the shoreline, grassy inlets and coves, and even some meadows right off shoreline. Would really appreciate any advice anyone has for the type of hunt and am interested to see what type of hunting has worked the best for people. Thanks!
I'm in the same boat, so to speak. I am headed to POW last week of May for some black bear action and was really hoping for some pointers on anything really. Is it better to still hunt logging roads? Cruise the bays and shorelines? Set up some trail cameras and track one down? Spot and stalk? I suppose early May and late May are pretty different when it comes to methods for hunting these guys. Give and shout if anyone knows some tips! Thanks and good luck CaliMuley!
Good Luck DE! I think for my hunt glassing the shorelines for saltgrass feeding bears is the smart thing to do. if I was in your shoes I would be really tempted to walk some logging roads and try different areas off shore looking for sign. I guess it all depends on the weather and how long the bears are out of their dens..?.. Its coming quick man! I'm getting excited ! where at in Alaska are you headed?
NE POW island. Getting pumped but have you seen the weather up there? It's in the 70's and bears are going to be out and about any day now with that kind of weather. I'm a bit afraid that by late May they'll all be rubbed and nocturnal by then. Grass everywhere by late April and this rate...
NE POW island. Getting pumped but have you seen the weather up there? It's in the 70's and bears are going to be out and about any day now with that kind of weather. I'm a bit afraid that by late May they'll all be rubbed and nocturnal by then. Grass everywhere by late April and this rate...

I wouldn't worry about that. Besides, you knew going into this hunt that POW is heaven for rubbed bears. Doesn't matter is its April 1 or June 1.

I will be there later than you and have no worries. The later you get, the rut kicks in and the big boars let their guard down. Also, after June 1, no meat salvage. Best of both worlds.