Alaska Challenge Guide Service

I want to tell my story so that maybe I can get the word out about this guy and save someone the time and money that he cost me. His name is Craig Hill, Alaska Challenge Guide Service.
Before I booked with him, I did plenty of research. Web searches and calling many of the references on his web site. Web searches yielded very little information but the calls to references were all positive. The stories from them are all consistent and told of a hard-working conscientious outfitter. The one thing that bothered me was that all references are from 2018 or earlier. After many conversations with Craig Hill and countless text messages/emails I felt comfortable and booked a 14-day brown bear hunt.
The hunt started on 9/25/24. I actually started to feel a little uncomfortable shortly after meeting up with Craig in Anchorage, he seemed disorganized and chaotic. Weather delayed us a day getting to camp for one day. The camp we flew into was at Cape Yakataga, about 100 miles east of Cordova. This is when I knew it wasn't going to go well. Upon landing we opened a storage container that contained an Argo and a 4 wheeler. Both were in horrible condition and would not start. After working on the Argo we traveled about a mile to camp. Upon arriving at the "cabin" (actually a 12x16 garden shed) I entered to find it full of rotten food and piles of dirty dishes from the spring hunt. It stunk bad. My first job as a paying hunter was to clean frying pans full of rotten grease, not what I expected. At this point it is obvious that no one had been there since spring. Craig is now cursing and yelling as he tries to get one of three generators running.
I could have lived with all of that if he had made reasonable effort to hunt but instead him and my guide slept late. I approached him and told him my concerns and was met with indifference. Then when I did get my guide to leave camp, I realized that he had no idea where to go. I ask him what was going on and he informed me that he had never been there before. 4 out of the 5 guides had never been there. I never did get him up early to hunt. There were 4 other hunters in camp that will tell you similar stories.
Back to the equipment issues, we were promised top notch Argos,4 wheelers and jet boats. It was all junk and most inoperable. A couple of the other hunters spent the first two days trying to get a couple machines running. They installed a starter on an Argo and mounted a boat motor with hopes of using them.
This is already too long but does not cover anywhere near all the problems we had. I will list a few more.
Drug and Alcohol use by several of the guides, with one guide having really crazy behavior one night.
Two hunters and a guide stranded in the bush 20 miles from camp for 4 nights due to equipment breakdown.
A 4-wheeler lost to the tide after a failed rescue attempt.
Jet boat left by Craig to close to the ocean was upside down and damaged after tide came in.
I could go on and on. I really never hunted and the trip was absolutely miserable.
I am realistic about these hunts, if I don't kill an animal or even see one I would be ok as long as there is reasonable effort made. It was not
I was there. This is just a fraction of the things that went on there at camp.
Thought this outfitter got shut down… he’s known for using the refuge with no permit, ect. Thanks for sharing. There’s other legit outfits like Expedition Lodge if you want to hunt that unit.
UPDATE: The Alaska State Troopers flew into Cape Yakataga last Wednesday and shut this guy down!!! Apparently, he was hunting this area without a permit. His permit had expired last December. The sad thing is there were three hunters that had just arrived and had to leave.
I filed my formal complaint last Monday, I would like to think that maybe it caused someone to take a look and triggered this.
UPDATE: The Alaska State Troopers flew into Cape Yakataga last Wednesday and shut this guy down!!! Apparently, he was hunting this area without a permit. His permit had expired last December. The sad thing is there were three hunters that had just arrived and had to leave.
I filed my formal complaint last Monday, I would like to think that maybe it caused someone to take a look and triggered this.
Thanks for the update!
I was one of the spring hunters You smelled. Yes Graig may have once been a good outfitter at one time but it seems he has lost the drive or maybe He just never was. Had to make the Hunt good for myself Knowing I would never afford to return. I purchased my hunt through a charity auction DSC they said He keeps a great camp and his equipment up to date and was the one to hunt with if you really wand a Bear. All false. He did have great stories and pictures of his house in the Philippines and his 150000 car in Anchorage and his 72 ft boat someplace OH and don't forget his pics of his girl friend pole dancing she's retired now. (This all came right from Craig Himself ) I really knew We were in trouble when I heard Craig tell the other hunter in camp that the interior Grizzly Hunters would have been successful if they knew how to operate a snow machine, He had told Me on the phone they things did not work out because the Grizzly bears just didn't cooperate. Craig was only in camp for three days and left to go pillage his old camp that his hunting partners had apparently screwed him out of, leaving us with one working four wheeler for the four of us. Came back the last day of the hunt with an Argo, a four wheeler a boat and trailer. most days We hunted about 2 hours in the afternoon only our Guides could not do everything in camp and get us out and get there Beauty rest even with our help I'm not sure if the where even licensed. they did illegally pull a carcass of a sea lion on to the Beach for a Brown Bear Bait. It's a scam. Craig did offer a half price hunt if we wanted to sign up that's his game to bleed more money out of You. It sounds like You had to go through everything I did maybe more I have no recourse going through DSC . though have pics of the Guild standing next to the sea lion.
where did you file a complaint to?
I wrote a fairly lengthy reply to you last week but I must have forgot to push the POST button. DUH Or they took it down because i included my phone number. Either way I would like to talk to you. There are a couple of people that I think you should talk to. It won't help you recover an money but might keep it from happening to others. Not sure how we can talk as PM is not turned on for us yet Suggestions?
Craig Hill has been found guilty of several wildlife violations. These all occurred prior to my hunt with him. The court took his guide license for one year. It's not enough for this guy but its a start
This sounds horrible, people like this guy really make the entire hunting community look bad.

He's the caricature that every anti-hunter is looking to point at and paint everyone else as.