Alaska Caribou DC 590

Thanks for the feedback, this is what i was looking for. I think he has his research cut out for him on this one, sounds like a much hyped hunt, hope he can figure somthing out to make it work.
It's not hyped. If you do any research before putting in tags, you'd know how the heard is doing. It's not a secret.
The other perspective is that you can flip through the % hunted and % success on this tag through the years in a matter of minutes. Participation in this hunt has been over 50% one year since 2013 and that was 2020. Participation % is within a less than 10% range since 2013 and the % success of those that hunted is very consistent. It’s safe to assume that ADFG has the data and uses it to extrapolate the number of animals they want killed each year based off the tags awarded and probably hit it within single digits. All that to say, if everyone hunted the tag and maintained the average success rate, they would have to drop tags awarded by more than half.

It would be a fair observation that the less people that hunt a draw tag each year drops the average and results in more tags to be rewarded above the target each year. If this weren’t the case, the numbers wouldn’t be so statistically consistent; even though the number of tags awarded has varied dramatically. As far as I’m concerned, I hope no one hunts the tags I put in for. Leave an animal on the mountain and increase my odds for next year!
The other perspective is that you can flip through the % hunted and % success on this tag through the years in a matter of minutes. Participation in this hunt has been over 50% one year since 2013 and that was 2020. Participation % is within a less than 10% range since 2013 and the % success of those that hunted is very consistent. It’s safe to assume that ADFG has the data and uses it to extrapolate the number of animals they want killed each year based off the tags awarded and probably hit it within single digits. All that to say, if everyone hunted the tag and maintained the average success rate, they would have to drop tags awarded by more than half.

It would be a fair observation that the less people that hunt a draw tag each year drops the average and results in more tags to be rewarded above the target each year. If this weren’t the case, the numbers wouldn’t be so statistically consistent; even though the number of tags awarded has varied dramatically. As far as I’m concerned, I hope no one hunts the tags I put in for. Leave an animal on the mountain and increase my odds for next year!
Spot on, I am not the guy with the permit draw, it's my brother, I was trying to help my brother out. Either way, he still hasn't made a decision, still actively researching. It seems like now days hunters more and more fail to see the big picture, and prefer to attack one another. I personally have never applied In Alaska, so don't know much about the process, but it seems maybe some AK residents should spend less time complaining on forums and more time working with there game agancy to come up with a permit surrender/re-issue system like every other state has if they don't already have one. I agree with what another guy said about some people hunting for meat. I literally just got done eating some amazing alaskan caribou steaks my buddy gave me from his bull this last fall. I do 100% agree with your above statement about Alaska Game and Fish knowing the numbers and success rates and adjusting accordingly. All of you guys, even the ones who are unhappy with my initial response are welcome to come hunt SD, put in for our most coveted tags, and if you draw and decide not to hunt, and the tag doesn't get used I'm all the happier, the animals could use a break. If u decide to hunt PM me and I can help you out with areas to hunt.
The population is down, but there are certainly still caribou in there and while its not known as a "Trophy bull" area, there are plenty of large mature bulls still that likely anyone would be happy with. There are a few transporters who know the area well and can put you in spots where you will have a good chance at success. I would say it's not worth your time if you're not willing to fly in though.