Alaska 16B

I believe he was about 47" if I remember. He had more than 3 brow tines on both sides though. Most of the moose I've shot in that area are in the 42-48" range. We've shot a couple on any bull tags and the rest got shot because they had enough brow tines. I'm sure there are bigger bulls in there.....but I'm not that picky. For eating....these 3-4 year old bulls cant be beat. I bought the blind about 10 years ago, for a hunt that I brought my dad up for. I wanted to be able to sit for long periods in the rain and still have him be comfortable....worked for him and he shot a nice bull on day 2 or 3.

Had two guys come up to hunt with me last fall. One shot a 41" bull on the second day and the other missed a 50"ish bull at 125 yds........3 times......his scope was knocked off. I don't believe the bull was any wiser for the experience though as he walked off grunting , same as he walked in.......I think there are some other videos in there also..same title, except 2018 bull, 2019 bull.....

I can give you some tips on what has worked for me in terms of calling and techniques if you would like. PM me.
My dad and I are finally able to pull the trigger on a moose hunt. We've talked about it for years but work doesn't allow me to typically plan far enough in advance to book a hunt like this. But the stars aligned properly and we head out this September. 10 DIY moose in 16B!
I haven't hunted Alaska since 2001 when we went for caribou. I plan on taking my bow and dad will be taking his rifle.
The camp gear and food is provided so all we need are clothes and weapons.
Trip is paid in full, hopefully the state will not restrict out of state hunters. I need to purchase the actual tag still but I'm holding off until closer to the hunt.
Is anyone familiar with that GMU?

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I m planning to book a float hunt inot 16 b in 2023. Has anyone hunted the drainage that empty in Redoubt Bay Cook Inlet?
I believe he was about 47" if I remember. He had more than 3 brow tines on both sides though. Most of the moose I've shot in that area are in the 42-48" range. We've shot a couple on any bull tags and the rest got shot because they had enough brow tines. I'm sure there are bigger bulls in there.....but I'm not that picky. For eating....these 3-4 year old bulls cant be beat. I bought the blind about 10 years ago, for a hunt that I brought my dad up for. I wanted to be able to sit for long periods in the rain and still have him be comfortable....worked for him and he shot a nice bull on day 2 or 3.

Had two guys come up to hunt with me last fall. One shot a 41" bull on the second day and the other missed a 50"ish bull at 125 yds........3 times......his scope was knocked off. I don't believe the bull was any wiser for the experience though as he walked off grunting , same as he walked in.......I think there are some other videos in there also..same title, except 2018 bull, 2019 bull.....

I can give you some tips on what has worked for me in terms of calling and techniques if you would like. PM me.
I checked out your YouTube video nice bull. I am a new member so I don’t think I can p.m. yet but when I’m able to do you mind if I ask you a couple questions?
I have a cabin in 16B. The unit is pretty much accessible by plane or boat in September. The area is pretty thick, but you can find areas that open up. According to the biologist for that unit, they break it down into three portions. The southern portion of the unit, Alexander creek, Beluga area have the highest density, and it gets lower as you go north into the unit. We've had great success hunting from our cabin over the last years. Its going to be wet, so be prepared for that. As far as tactics......I call.....a lot. It works, just gotta have patience....moose can be slow to show up sometimes. Got a video of one from a few years ago, he was actually the 2nd bull in 3 days. My wife shot hers on the first evening of calling. look up "Daves 2017 bull" on youtube to see what the area is like, and how the moose will respond to calling if you are near the moose.
Hey Dave, wondering how you made out by your cabin area this year. I usually hunt lower river by the islands around the mouth of Alexander and flathorn area and it seemed the moose just weren’t really there this year. Not like usual anyway. Lots of wolves though, so curious if the moose were up river further due to that.
I believe he was about 47" if I remember. He had more than 3 brow tines on both sides though. Most of the moose I've shot in that area are in the 42-48" range. We've shot a couple on any bull tags and the rest got shot because they had enough brow tines. I'm sure there are bigger bulls in there.....but I'm not that picky. For eating....these 3-4 year old bulls cant be beat. I bought the blind about 10 years ago, for a hunt that I brought my dad up for. I wanted to be able to sit for long periods in the rain and still have him be comfortable....worked for him and he shot a nice bull on day 2 or 3.

Had two guys come up to hunt with me last fall. One shot a 41" bull on the second day and the other missed a 50"ish bull at 125 yds........3 times......his scope was knocked off. I don't believe the bull was any wiser for the experience though as he walked off grunting , same as he walked in.......I think there are some other videos in there also..same title, except 2018 bull, 2019 bull.....

I can give you some tips on what has worked for me in terms of calling and techniques if you would like. PM me.
Dave can you text me? 9078548057. Thank you. I can’t figure out how to send a message on here
We have a cabin in 16A. 5 black bears any sex and 2 brown bears. No special permit needed for brown. Free harvest ticket for the black bears.
I believe that the black bear we harvested was great tasting. And the 2"" thick bear fat was used in making hamburger from the moose. Good burger. I hope to be flying out today for a bit. Our cabin is fly in only. I'll report back. I expect wet conditions. A lot of wolves in this area also.
Heck just getting out n having the opportunity to harvest a moose, bears, wolves. Catch some fresh pike for lunch. Yeah that's enough for me. Harvesting a 50" plus bull moose is just icing on the cake