Broken record's where we are at, in reality:
1) There are no existing avenues to conduct predator control to help sheep populations
2) We can't control the weather, avalanches, drownings etc
There is one thing that we do have the means to control, and that is hunters.
Alaska is Alaska. It's not B.C., NWT or the Yukon. We are unique in how we manage our sheep, our guides, and sheep hunting opportunities. So with all due respect, any comparisons to Canada are meaningless.
And I recommend resorting to facts when certain things come up, like ADFG funding. Anyone can look at the Dept's budget online:
The Dept has adequate funding and indeed will get plenty of P-R funds with the Biden administration. Part of my job entails keeping track of ADFG funding and when possible helping DWC to secure necessary funding. Last session RHAK and the other orgs helped get SB 22 passed, to continue the IM hunting license surcharge fee that was set to be repealed.
Some may not be aware, but with very few exceptions (like the IM hunting license surcharge above), monies that go to F&G cannot be dedicated to specific projects or species; with wildlife it all goes into the DWC general fund. Sheep population surveys (density estimates) are difficult to do, and all we have done and continue to do are trend counts in certain units. We also have some ongoing sheep research projects, like what Dr Lohuis is doing. It isn't that there is no money for sheep surveys/research. It's that the Dept is committed still to the notion that the FC management regime is sustainable, hence no need to conduct more extensive sheep density estimates. All aerial surveys require good flying weather, and at times weather prevents surveys, not lack of funding toward it.
The F&G Advisory committees (I'm vice-chair of the Fairbanks AC) also keep track of these issues, among many others. Would be great to see some of you more involved with ACs, with the knowledge you have. Yes, it can be time consuming, we're all busy with life and work and family, but it sure beats the internet for actually influencing things.