Air travel with a Kestral


Apr 5, 2017
I realize this question could be a long shot , but I figure I'll ask anyway. Anybody ever had a problem taking a Kestrel wind meter with them in their carry on when flying? I'm leaving out of the country for a hunt on Wednesday and can't decide if I should take my Kestrel in my carry on or just stick it in my checked baggage. Thanks
Never been a problem for me. Personally tho I'd take the batteries out and put them in the checked baggage if ur worried
Never been a problem for me. Personally tho I'd take the batteries out and put them in the checked baggage if ur worried

Thanks Nd. With all the incongruent and conflicting travel rules between the airlines and TSA I just wasn't sure.
As far as batteries, battery packs, anything litium ion, they always make sure I don’t have anything checked. They want batteries in your carry on, not down bellow. And to take them out of your bag when going through security.