Aftermarket Stock or Chassis

Jul 4, 2024
I have been tempted to buy a new rifle. However, my current hunting rifles (Tikka T3 in 300 WM and Weatherby Vangard in 257) are both shooters. Rather than buying a new rifle, I've thought about upgrading the factory stocks with aftermarket stocks or chassis. Would it be worth the money? I'm sure they may look better but I'm more concernerd with functionality and performance. Any input would be appreciated.
I felt the Stocky's NextGen VG2 was both an ergonomic and performance upgrade on my 6.5-300Wby Vanguard over the factory stock. I felt it was worth the money. YMMV. ;)
It's going to be up to you to decide if spending the money on a stock or chassis is worth it. If the rifles already shoot well as is, I don't think tossing it into a different stock or chassis will make a huge difference other than potentially better ergos.

That being said, I'm not a huge fan of the factory Tikka stock, so I tossed my CTR in a KRG Bravo and it's been great. For Tikka, you could always look at a Stockys VG or Rokstok (if they ever become available again).
KRG has the Echo now for $300 that can work with Tikka LA
Honestly, upgrading to an aftermarket stock can breathe new life into a trusty rifle. It's not just about looks - a good stock can seriously improve accuracy and handling. Worth looking into, especially if you're not ready to part with your current rifles!
Don't skip on the functionality of a chsssis. The folder is a game changer for keeping longer barrel and still fitting nicely on a pack. I am not a huge fan of all the little micro adjustments, once i get it where i like, it never moves again. When i need to clean- swing it out of the way and no more dripping on the cheek rest.
I hate the aluminum though. Mdt XRS is my next choice. Also, depening on the hand size you may not like some of the vertical grip stocks out there. 1000010487.jpg
echo would be a nice upgrade ergonomically. you can use OEM mags. I wouldnt put a Tikka magnum in an aluminum chassis though your only option for mags is a 7 oz metal mag
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Will second some of the sentiments above… folding stock is a logistical game changer, and don’t underestimate the overall impact of having full adjustability.

I zeroed a customer’s “regular” hunting rifle the other day and was reminded just how poorly a traditional rifle stock fits.
I did a budget rebuild of a Parker Hale/Mauser 98 25-06 couple years ago. I put it in a Pro Mag Archangel stock and I have been very happy with it - I think it cost like $150 and makes an obnoxious rattling sound of the adjustable cheek piece. PacNor 24" barrel with 1:8 twist, Timney trigger, upgraded Tubb SpeedLock firing pin spring, Cortina tuner/brake. Goofy home rattle can paint job. Weighs like a hundred pounds. Tuned shooting 133gr Bergers.



In a fit of boredom I ran up to the range with 5 of my rifles few weeks ago for a 5 shot cold bore 100yd challenge. Apparently I can't hold it together for 5 shots but if I could have a mulligan/throw away for the 5th shot the 25-06/133gr Bergers would have been 0.42" (was 0.82" including the 5th), edging out the wife's 6.5 CM/143gr eld-x bone stock Wby Vanguard Camilla's 4 shot 0.48 (flung the 5th for a 1.16"). I was running 5 shots, not single feeding, so I'm blaming the heartbreaking loss of my beloved 6.5-300/129gr Hammers that only holds 3 on having to come off the rest to reload getting a 0.56" first 3, 0.35" last two for a 1.48" kick in the nutz. 🤣

*the 22LR out of the 'ol Speedmaster I fudged, walking it back from 50yds, dialing it in with probably a full 15 shot mag before feeling like I could get 5 in a row all on the target. ;)

I veered wildly off course just to say the ProMag Archangel has been surprisingly good for a budget stock.
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Good fit is super important to a natural point of aim - one good thing about upgrading both stocks, is the rifles will feel very close to the same. If your current stocks fit and have good bedding, and you just don’t like them, there will be no improvement in accuracy.