After market magazine


Mar 14, 2015
I recently bought a Christensen arms elr 338 lapua. I didn’t realize it until it arrived that that the 338 only came with the extended mag box, I guess I should have done more research.

The current mag is loud and sticks out a ways.
I plan to pack it in a scabbard on horse back.
is there a company that makes custom mags? id like to get something smaller that does not stick out as far. Maybe a durable plastic one if they make them.
Put the mag in yer pocket, and slap it in when ya yank the thing outta the scabbard. This stuff is only as hard as you make it.....
Wasnt the point of the post…this is a discussion. Dealing with the stock offering is a known, the point was inquire about the unknown.

Thanks though.