Adult Onset Hunter in CO

Feb 14, 2021
Hi All,

New forum user here so I can finally spam ya'll with my burning questions. Picked up the sport about two years ago and been chasing muleys and pronghorn with a bow ever since. Went 0/3 on tags in 2020, 1/2 (one antelope down) in 2019.

Hoping to learn as much as I can. This has been an awesome journey so far and I feel like I learned more about myself, life, and the world in the past two years than I have in the past decade. Nature has a fun way of teaching you some lessons the hard way it seems.
Welcome. I don’t personally know any computer nerds who hunt but your screen name makes me think I may have encountered one online!
Welcome. I don’t personally know any computer nerds who hunt but your screen name makes me think I may have encountered one online!
After spending most of my 20s in front of a computer for 16 hours a day (on a good day) I realized I needed some balance in my life. Don't regret it, got to build some cool things (lots of my projects had me interfacing directly with .mil folks... talking end-users here, not PowerPoint jockies). It's hard to turn off that part of my brain and overanalyze things. I'm the guy at the archery shop asking for 1/8'' trimmed off my arrow shafts to get the perfect dynamic spine.
Welcome. I don’t personally know any computer nerds who hunt but your screen name makes me think I may have encountered one online!
We're out there. It's just real difficult to find any colleagues that are into it in this profession.