ADFG Targeted winter caribou hunt announced.


Dec 24, 2012
Delta Jct, Alaska
" Forty Mile Targeted Caribou Hunt AC999" February 2 to March 31 with a bag limit of one caribou. Limited to125 tags in Zone 1&4 in the Steese Highway area. If you took a caribou this past fall, you are not eligible.
Would be nice to draw one of these, otherwise I’ll probably head up the haul road and ski the 5 miles.

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This is an any caribou hunt and I wish they would leave the forty mile cows alone. If it is too hard to distinguish between cows and bulls because bulls have dropped antlers and all have long winter hair then keep it closed.
If 125 dead caribou ruin this herd, than it's already too late. Glad they are doing a draw, maybe it won't be a two month long circus up there this winter, putting unnecessary pressure on a wintering herd.
This is an any caribou hunt and I wish they would leave the forty mile cows alone. If it is too hard to distinguish between cows and bulls because bulls have dropped antlers and all have long winter hair then keep it closed.

I was thinking the same thing.

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If 125 dead caribou ruin this herd, than it's already too late. Glad they are doing a draw, maybe it won't be a two month long circus up there this winter, putting unnecessary pressure on a wintering herd.
Local folks are pushing for more of this type of hunt and less of the ASSS [august steese shit show]. This also gives residents of Eagle, Circle and Central an opportunity they don't often get.