Adding MOLLE to Kifaru for the ultimate upland vest


Apr 16, 2021
Texas, most of the time
So I want to start out by saying how awesome my wife is. To the single roksliders - find you a girl as skilled and supportive as this, they're out there.

I was getting laughed at by the guys at the dog training club for using a 40yr old bird vest with the bandolier shell holders and no pouch that could contain a live pigeon or hold a water bottle or anything. But at the same time, i'm not about to spend $350+ on a Final Rise vest. So, with a pheasant hunt coming up where i'm expecting to cover a lot of ground, decided to fit some pockets to my Kifaru frame. I love how versatile MOLLE webbing is, but there's 1 problem:
The Kifaru frame doesn't have webbing on the back of the belt, to attach a bird bag.

Here's where the DIY comes in: my wife recently picked up sewing as a hobby and was more than happy to add some carefully positioned webbing to the back of the belt. We attached a top strap between the 2 lowest frame attachments, and there's a piece of paracord around the front pulling it tight. Theoretically could have done individual pieces to get 3 tight MOLLE slots, but this is entirely adequate.

Now I can run a Sherman pocket with water, first aid, etc on top, pouches around the waist, bird bag with high ties up to the Sherman pouch, and even a custom MOLLE training pouch on training days!

Only thing is that the frame is a little tall and i'm not quite sure the best way to get the Sherman pocket tight. Might trade for a 22" frame at some point. But this thing is awesome!


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