Actually using meatshelf? Lite+reckoning


Jul 9, 2017
Who's actually using the meat shelf for packing out quarters and likes it? How are you rigging it?

So I bought a Kifaru lite frame with reckoning bag last spring and one of the big selling points for me was the meat shelf and being able to keep gear in the bag separate from the quarters. Fast fwd to this fall and my son draws first blood with an elk. Stoked to try out the meatshelf. Did 1 load that way and it seemed super unstable and contrived, not sure if it was my rigging or what but gave up and put 2 Hinds in the reckoning bag on the next trip and I couldnt believe it. 1. Coukdnt believe 2 Hinds fit in that bag, and then how well it carried compared to the first load.

Couple weeks later, buddy and I, he has same pack, are packing out my elk and I dont even try the meatshelf this time. Stuff all my gear that's in the main bag into the side holsters and load the main compartment with meat. He's convinced the shelf is where its gonna be at. Total failure, same deal, unstable and doesn't carry right. Load wobbles and is not secure. He switches to bag for subsequent loads.

Rest of the year we just used the reckoning bag and plan to do so in the future. My question is who is using the shelf for quarters and likes it? If so, how are you rigging it up?

Dont get me wrong, I love this pack setup and would have bought it anyway, nothing else I've owned carries weight as comfortably, but our experience this last season has got me wondering if the whole meat shelf is more of a selling point than actually used in the field. Or maybe good for stashing a dry bag or something?? Thoughts?
Are you packing out the meat with all or most of your gear still in the bag? If so, all that weight is being pushed farther away from your body making it feel heavier. Could potentially be your issue
Are you packing out the meat with all or most of your gear still in the bag? If so, all that weight is being pushed farther away from your body making it feel heavier. Could potentially be your issue

Fairly light load of stuff in the bag, configured for day hunting away from spike camp. Gear all fit in the side pouches which were plenty big when expanded. The issue was the weight sitting too low in meatshelf and not being able to secure it tightly or distribute along the length of the frame. My guess is rigging if it's working for others.
The heavy items should be closest to the frame. Usually this is meat.

If I have a short and light haul like a deer, I’ll just put the game bags full of boned out meet in my pack with a trash bag to keep my gear blood free.

If I’m packing an elk several miles, I use the meat shelf. My pack is a stone glacier and it’s awesome for the meat shelf.

Never packed out with a Kifaru but I would guess they are similar.


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That looks like it worked out pretty well. Do you have the same amount of load lift with meat in shelf vs the bag?

The main problem I had with it is all the weight sat super low, felt like I lost all my load lift capability. Again, may have been rigging, but how i had to disconnect the load lifters and run over the frame to the bag was pretty wonky. Ended up with all the weight on my shoulders and lower back. Like everything just sagged back and down trying to use the shelf.

Thanks for the reply.
That looks like it worked out pretty well. Do you have the same amount of load lift with meat in shelf vs the bag?

The main problem I had with it is all the weight sat super low, felt like I lost all my load lift capability. Again, may have been rigging, but how i had to disconnect the load lifters and run over the frame to the bag was pretty wonky. Ended up with all the weight on my shoulders and lower back. Like everything just sagged back and down trying to use the shelf.

Thanks for the reply.

Wait what? If I’m reading right I see what your problem is. Yeah, you have to disconnect the load lifters to push the bag back and use the meat shelf, but then you connect them back to the top of the frame, not the bag, for the pack out.
I use the Reckoning meat shelf and like it. If used properly it will haul as much meat as you can handle and will cinch it down so there is no slop. I also carry a couple extra buckle straps to help with meat/heads.
I planned to keep all my day pack stuff in the side pockets and meat in the main bag. I found the meat shelf to be a PIA to get set up. Didn’t end up using that pack when hauling meat, but that’s the conclusion I came to trying it out before the season.